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Room Quotes

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Although we strap time to our wrists, stuff it into our pockets, hang it on our walls, a perpetually moving picture for every room of the house, it can still run away, elude and evade, and show itself again only when there are minutes remaining and there is nothing left to do except wait till there are none  (Room Quotes) I may not be the strongest guy or the most well armed, but you can put me in a room with a pencil and a piece of paper and I can kill anybody  (Room Quotes) Because I work in television, I always knew that I loved working with writers. It’s very collaborative. You’re always in a room full of writers  (Room Quotes) We are all smiling in the picture, three brothers having a grand old time just playing around in the living room, no agendas, no buried resentments or permanent scars. Even under the best of circumstances, there’s just something so damn tragic about growing up  (Room Quotes) My only wish is that we leave room for hope. There is good and bad in all things. We find what we expect to find. We see what we expect to see. I have learned that if I tilt my head just right and squint, the world outside is beautiful. The future is bright. There are good things to come  (Room Quotes) God doesn’t take things away to be cruel. He takes things away to make room for other things. He takes things away to lighten us. He takes things away so we can fly  (Room Quotes) When there is an invisible elephant in the room, one is from time to time bound to trip over a trunk  (Room Quotes) War buddies don’t exist in the meeting room. It’s a battle between a lot of different officers. Some continue fighting when they don’t realize that they have been shot  (Room Quotes) I always tell women to use the fact that we offer a different point of view in a room full of men, to their advantage. Because we often stand out, we gain a unique platform to demonstrate our knowledge and capabilities  (Room Quotes) Many men absorbed in business show such a rare quality of culture that we are surprised at it. The reason invariably is partly because hard work and even the weariness it leaves carry a nobility with them, but also because there is no room in such lives for inferior mental occupation  (Room Quotes) I discovered early in life that if you take gym first period, you can go into the wrestling room and sit in the corner and sleep  (Room Quotes) It is just as disastrous to have the wrong accessories in your room, as it is to wear sport shoes with an evening dress  (Room Quotes) A vase of flowers or greens will bring even a dull hotel room to life in the most delightful way. The small amount of trouble or expense involved is honestly repaid in real decorative effect. If you find cut flowers too extravagant, stick to the greens. Laurel, rhododendron leaves, huckleberry or pine will all last many days, even weeks  (Room Quotes) Too often when we’re buying or building a house we do not consider each room. We are carried away by one charming feature and are blind to details that will give us trouble later on  (Room Quotes) It’s everywhere, really. It’s between the galaxies. It is in this room. We believe that everywhere that you have space, empty space, that you cannot avoid having some of this dark energy  (Room Quotes) If you fill your head with positive thoughts, there won’t be any room left for negative ones  (Room Quotes) Here on the drawing board fingers and noses leak from the air brush maggots lie under if I should die before if I should die in the back room stacked up in smooth boxes like soapflakes or tunafish wait the undreamt of  (Room Quotes) The nature of my compulsion was such that I danced in my sleep. The entire household was sometimes awakened by loud thumping sounds coming from my room  (Room Quotes) Landscapes are culture before they are nature; constructs of the imagination projected onto wood and water and rock. It is... difficult to think of a single natural system that has not, for better or worse, been substantially modified by human culture. The cultural habits of humanity have always made room for the sacredness of nature  (Room Quotes) The only way that you can keep moving forward, finding other ways of expressing things about this increasingly complicated world that we live in, is by listening and observing not only to life around you but to the other people who are in the room. It’s not about a sort of, you know, a sense that you have to be democratic about these things, it’s a question of creativity that the process of making theatre is a collaborative process, and it is not in, it is not a question of, you know, I have no interest in paying lip service to it, for me it’s absolutely fundamental  (Room Quotes) His achievements read like the graffiti on the walls of a hangman’s changing room  (Room Quotes) Perhaps we have been misguided into taking too much responsibility from our children, leaving them too little room for discovery  (Room Quotes) It is usually a mistake to impose an individual’s taste on a room that has its own... style. Conversely, to put very fine pieces of furniture in a room that is without architectural distinction is as absurd as wearing a tiara with a bathing suit  (Room Quotes) I never think that sticking slavishly to one period is successful, a touch of nostalgia adds charm. One needs light and shade because if every piece is perfect the room becomes a museum and lifeless  (Room Quotes) I think everyone must have a first memory of some house, some room, a vivid picture that will remain deep down in one forever  (Room Quotes) The easiest approach to any strong color is to use a lot of it, thus unifying a room. However, beware of too many strong colors unless you happen to like living on a battlefield  (Room Quotes) Off the floor, I’m really laid back: like, nothing really fazes me too much. But on the floor, I do get emotional and a little carried away. However, I started playing when I was 13 to have fun with my teammates, and that never stopped. I enjoy traveling and having fun in the locker room with the guys. Life is too short to be miserable  (Room Quotes) You walk into a room, see a woman, and something happens. It’s chemical. What are you going to do about it?  (Room Quotes) The studio is an extension of the sandbox and the kindergarten playroom. It has a dynamic unlike any office or factory. It’s a room at the service of a dreamer on her way to becoming a master  (Room Quotes) Looking back, now, I realize that you only ever need one person who lights up that way when you enter a room. One person is all it takes to give a kid confidence  (Room Quotes)
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