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Room Quotes

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I grew up with a beautiful gold harp sitting in our living room. My older sister played it  (Room Quotes) You are in front of your brother, but your mind is on many other things, so you don’t really see your brother. Maybe he is having some trouble, but you don’t see it, not even when you share the same room. But mindfulness brings you there, to the present, and then you see. Train yourself all day long to bring your mind to your body and to be present with your food, your friends, your work, everything, because the more you concentrate, the deeper you will see  (Room Quotes) Let’s point out the elephant in the room: Actor bands are not notoriously successful enterprises. I can’t think of any  (Room Quotes) Well, I think anybody who’s had a baby can tell you that once you have a baby, they kind of become the main focus. I don’t think there’s gonna be a lot of room for anything else  (Room Quotes) As a child, I was very shy. Painfully, excruciatingly shy. I hid a lot in my room. I was so terrified to read out loud in school that I had to have my mother ask my reading teacher not to call on me in class  (Room Quotes) I can walk into a room and create a good ambience. I was taught all about this back when I studied acting. One of the things they would teach you is how to send out positive signals when you enter a room. I am glad I learned this  (Room Quotes) As an actor, there’s very little you can do if people don’t want to see you. Just getting yourself into the room to audition is tough  (Room Quotes) I think everybody gets lonely sometimes. I don’t know if people can ever understand how you can be in a room full of people and be lonely sometimes  (Room Quotes) If I’m not doing something or working on something, I literally just sit in the room and think, which I don’t think is productive. I won’t go outside for days  (Room Quotes) I didn’t go around the world, I went around the world on a private jet. I didn’t have a hotel room, we had an entire floor. We were spoiled  (Room Quotes) Do you know how you get the urge to clean your room, and it’s no big deal? But when your mom tells you that you have to clean your room, you don’t want to? That’s me, anyway  (Room Quotes) Oddly enough, white is a dead tone in a small room. Choosing something with a more medium tone will make the space feel larger  (Room Quotes) If you sound great in the practice room, you’re practicing the wrong thing. Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life  (Room Quotes) A dining room table with children’s eager hungry faces around it, ceases to be a mere dining room table, and becomes an altar  (Room Quotes) The only person stopping you from doing something is yourself, and looking for excuses all the time just gets in the way of obtaining your own goals. It’s like the writer who keeps getting up and straightening the pictures in the room  (Room Quotes) Editing is where movies are made or broken. Many a film has been saved and many a film has been ruined in the editing room  (Room Quotes) I can’t give more than I have. It doesn’t matter if I am the most beautiful person in the room. There is inevitably going to be somebody way shinier and more tan than my pasty self  (Room Quotes) Without imagination, you live in a small room with the windows closed. Imagination opens the windows and shows us landscapes, horizons that we would not otherwise perceive…I want education to empower people to see possibility  (Room Quotes) If you look around the room, and you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room  (Room Quotes) Thinking is like exercise, it requires consistency and rigor. Like barbells in a weightlifting room, the classics force us to either put them down or exert our minds. They require us to think  (Room Quotes) For the taking of revenge, a man locks himself up alone and thinks. His stomach must be empty for his head to be full. Vengeance comes a little from the heart and a lot from the mind; one must take oneself apart from the noise of men and of things, even from what resembles them; only the voices of bells and of thunder are allowed. Let the room in which you meditate be dark, narrow and warm  (Room Quotes) The most important lesson in managing our careers as we get older: Sometimes staying the game is as simple as not leaving the room  (Room Quotes) Walk some night on a suburban street and pass house after house on both sides of the same street each with the lamplight of the living room, shining golden, and inside the little blue square of the television, each living family riveting its attention on probably one show; nobody talking; silence in the yards; dogs barking at you because you pass on human feet instead of wheels  (Room Quotes) Sometimes a savage beauty lured me into the sun and I would start to love the danger a little. On these occasions I felt the reluctant love drained painfully from me as blood drains from a deep wound. The tigers lapped my love’s blood and remained enemies. The inhabitants of the day laughed at the gift I wanted to bring them, and I shut myself in my inner room to escape the betrayal of their arrogant mouths  (Room Quotes) I followed the woman from the convenience store, to a driveway she pulled into. And I hung around several hours, till it come wee hours of the morning. Then I went into this house... I go to the first bedroom I see... I don’t know whose room it is and, and, and, and I start stabbing  (Room Quotes) I went in and, and, and I don’t know if it was her room, don’t know if it was his room, I don’t, I just knew I wanted to go in there and, and hurt someone  (Room Quotes) And the sun on the wall of her room, the block of sun with all the tiny flying things in it. When she was little she thought they were the souls of dead insects, still buzzing in the light  (Room Quotes) The hospital room was as cold as dead skin, the hallway crowded with lost souls and reeking of illness  (Room Quotes) I became an ifrit to save the lives of my fellow jinn. What kind of life saver would I be if I let you sit here and wither away in paradise? Just an obstacle. Just an obstacle. I meet the ifrit’s eyes. What happened to all your talk about birds and fish having nowhere to live? The ifrit shrugs. I suggest you start holding your breath, my friend, he says, then pushes through the hearing room doors  (Room Quotes) Mr. Jamrach led me through the lobby and into the menagerie. The first was a parrot room, a fearsome screaming place of mad round eyes, crimson breasts that beat against bars, wings that flapped against their neighbours, blood red, royal blue, gypsy yellow, grass green. The birds were crammed along perches. Macaws hung upside down here and there, batting their white eyes, and small green parrots flittered above our heads in drifts. A hot of cockatoos looked down from on high over the shrill madness, high crested, creamy breasted. The screeching was like laughter in hell  (Room Quotes)
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