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Room Quotes

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The photographic enthusiast likes to lure us into a darkened room in order to display his slides on a silver screen. Aided by the adaptability of the eye and by the borrowed light from the intense projector bulb, he can achieve those relationships in brightness that will make us dutifully admire the wonderful autumn tints he photographed on his latest trip. As soon as we look at a print of these photographs by day, the light seems to go out of them. It is one of the miracles of art that the same does not happen there  (Room Quotes) Critics, mathematicians, scientists and busybodies want to classify everything, marking the boundaries and limits... In art, there is room for all possibilities  (Room Quotes) Like plowing, housework makes the ground ready for the germination of family life. The kids will not invite a teacher home if beer cans litter the living room. The family isn’t likely to have breakfast together if somebody didn’t remember to buy eggs, milk, or muffins. Housework maintains an orderly setting in which family life can flourish  (Room Quotes) No acquisitions of guilt can compensate the loss of that solid inward comfort of mind, which is the sure companion of innocence and virtue; nor can in the least balance the evil of that horror and anxiety which, in their room, guilt introduces into our bosoms  (Room Quotes) All mankind’s unhappiness derives from one thing: his inability to know how to remain in repose in one room  (Room Quotes) Most women still need a room of their own and the only way to find it may be outside their own home  (Room Quotes) A prudent mind can see room for misgiving, lest he who prospers should one day suffer reverse  (Room Quotes) Despite my exhaustion I have a devil of a time getting to sleep because of the rats above my bed and a pig who lives beneath my room  (Room Quotes) I tend to write things seven times before I show them to my editor. I write them seven times, then I take them on tour, read them like a dozen times on tour, then go back to the room and rewrite, read and rewrite... I would never show him a first draft, because then he’s really going to be sick of it by the twelfth draft  (Room Quotes) To give us room to explore the varieties of mind and body into which our genome can evolve, one planet is not enough  (Room Quotes) Historical judgement is not a variety of knowledge, it is knowledge itself; it is the form which completely fills and exhausts the field of knowing, leaving no room for anything else  (Room Quotes) Right mindfulness does not simply mean being aware; it is like creating a work of art. You can therefore trust what you are doing; you are not threatened by anything. You have room to dance in the space, and this makes it a creative situation. The space is open to you  (Room Quotes) Nothing to me is so erotic as a hotel room, and therefore so penetrated with life and death  (Room Quotes) The spot paintings, the spin paintings, they’re all a mechanical way to avoid the actual guy in a room, myself, with a blank canvas  (Room Quotes) All is well with me. The rain doesn’t reach me, my room is well heated, what more can one ask for? There’s no shortage of work, either  (Room Quotes) If I’m lucky, when I paint, first my patrons leave the room, then my dealers, and if I’m really lucky I leave too  (Room Quotes) The number of choices you make in the event that you see on stage, those choices are sometimes largely determined by the rehearsal process and the experiments that you go through and the choices that you make in the rehearsal room, not in front of an audience  (Room Quotes) I think my greatest insecurity would just be standing in the middle of the room and having everyone watching me thinking that’s what I want. If I am interesting to you because of who I am, then that’s incredible. But if I’m interesting to you only because of what I am, then let’s not bother, you know?  (Room Quotes) In the locker room I was getting impatient to get on the court, I had to warm up several times  (Room Quotes) I feel more as if I’m shaping something with my hands. I feel as if I’ve always wanted to get to that state. Like a blind man in a dark room had some clay, what would he make? I end up with 2 or 3 forms on a canvas, but it gets very physical for me  (Room Quotes) For the fee of $10,000, anyone could be escorted to a room, handed a loaded gun and offered another human to kill. The concept made me nauseous. But it also felt real, and rang bells with my more cynical side  (Room Quotes) While the space for artists and curators has increased enormously, maybe, just maybe, that’s left room for too many people calling themselves artists and curators who are simply not up to the term  (Room Quotes) In the future there cannot be room for ambiguity. They have to make their position absolutely clear before they can expect anyone to respond to it  (Room Quotes) I’ve never walked out of a room and had a disagreement as to what was said  (Room Quotes) Union is as if in a room there were two large windows through which the light streamed in; it enters in different places but it all becomes one  (Room Quotes) Art and business may be strange bedfellows, but an artist must make room in her bed for both  (Room Quotes) A young person wanting to become an artist might simply go purposefully and dedicatedly to his or her room with a few books and a thousand blank canvases for four years  (Room Quotes) Did you ever find that there is room between the two opposing rules of a paradox? That space between two almost opposite rules is the ground where I play and write  (Room Quotes) I don’t want dead paint, so I test many of my works by studying them in a dark room at twilight or even after dark to check the luminosity. If the darker forms still have resonance and luminosity, I know the painting’s working  (Room Quotes) Faith is the one power against which fear cannot stand. Day by day, as you fill your mind with faith, there will ultimately be no more room left for fear. This is the one great fact that no one should forget. Master faith and you will automatically master fear  (Room Quotes)
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