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Room Quotes

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I always have my setlist planned out, but the best moments are when the energy of the crowd just gets your mind working and you are able to come up with new tags for jokes and just riff off things in the room  (Room Quotes) It’s because you alienate half the room talking about sports. Half the crowd will be against you no matter what you say  (Room Quotes) You can’t get a solution if you won’t talk to the people that have the problem. You can’t ever have healing if the patient is left out of the operation room  (Room Quotes) I get very, very anxious on the set. I have a thousand ideas and I don’t censor myself. I wind up cutting some of them out in the editing room. I shoot needless footage and then don’t use it later on in the process  (Room Quotes) When somebody would come in with a sketch that was not so good, you figured out in a room how to make that sketch work  (Room Quotes) Nature does abhor a vacuum, and when you begin moving out of your life what you do not want, you automatically are making way for what you do want. By letting go of the lesser, you automatically make room for your greater good to come in  (Room Quotes) The loneliest place to be is a hotel room in a big city in early evening  (Room Quotes) Don’t scrutinize people with a microscope; view them from a comfortable distance. And allow some room for compassion in the space the lies between you  (Room Quotes) There are three very good reasons to travel: 1. See the world. 2. Meet new people. 3. Room service  (Room Quotes) Accidents and chance are words used by persons who do not think clearly when they attempt to account for certain happenings. Anyone who thinks must be convinced that in a world as orderly as this there is no room for the words accident and chance  (Room Quotes) I do like to play people I wouldnt want to spend five minutes in a room with  (Room Quotes) Perhaps the two greatest moments of my life were standing on the moon and being outside of the room when my granddaughter was born! We tend not to remember the worst  (Room Quotes) I think it’s a room full of insecure actors, which is ultimately very comforting  (Room Quotes) When you work in film, you learn to appreciate a distributor. You can have this great little film, but if you don’t have a distributor, you are sitting in your living room with a great little film  (Room Quotes) I really dislike watching myself on screen. I am very insecure about my acting. We are our own biggest critics. I have to sit in another room to my parents when they watch it  (Room Quotes) Once you sign on as an actor, you know, you don’t go to the editing room, you don’t see how they cut, you don’t see how they score, you don’t see how they cast the rest of the movie  (Room Quotes) There are answers which, in turning away wrath, only send it to the other end of the room  (Room Quotes) Only if the dragon and the eagle turn their sights from each other and make room for each other in the world they share, can they reach new and brighter horizons  (Room Quotes) It’s one of the most enjoyable experiences. To me, it’s theater. Immediate reaction, the second it’s done. I get to be in my living room with you, trolling my own show  (Room Quotes) Things at home didn’t change much. I still have to clean my own room!  (Room Quotes) I don’t miss playing football, but I do miss going into the dressing room every day and having a laugh  (Room Quotes) The scope of art is practically boundless; it does not begin and end with the painting of pictures and the modeling of statues; where there is room for workmanship there is room for it  (Room Quotes) I had a very active imagination as a kid, and I was constantly performing, whether I was making money doing it or not, whether it was on a stage in front of 1,000 people or in the living room in front of my family  (Room Quotes) I’m happy whenever I’m in a rehearsal room. I’ve always gotten all my energy and creativity in there  (Room Quotes) Most of the time, I get auditions for deaf characters where the scene has them communicating in really convoluted ways, like reading lips from across the room when the other persons back is turned or having other people parrot what they say  (Room Quotes) Promise too much and you’ll have plenty of room to fail. Promise little and you’ll have plenty of room to excel  (Room Quotes) You just may be a redneck if your lawn furniture used to be your living room furniture  (Room Quotes) My home is a happy place to be. I bless everyone who enters, myself included. Pleasant experiences fill every room  (Room Quotes) You fill up the frame with feelings, energy, discovery, and risk, and leave room enough for someone else to get in there  (Room Quotes) I started out really making music in my dorm room, and it wasnt really producing or anything like that; it was you making something  (Room Quotes)
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