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Room Quotes

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The beginning of every war is like opening the door into a dark room. One never knows what is hidden in the darkness  (Room Quotes) Unlike the normal pattern, I know I have grown more liberal as I’ve grown older. I have become more convinced that there is room for improvement in the world  (Room Quotes) You wanted to destroy philosophy and poetry in order to make room for religion and morality which you misunderstood: but you wereable to destroy only yourself  (Room Quotes) In opening your doors to woman, it is mind that will enter the lecture room, it is intelligence that will ask for food; sex will never be felt where science leads for the atmosphere of thought will be around every lecture  (Room Quotes) When you talk about locker room betting, we bet on everything... It’s no different than anyone else’s office pool. Money changes hands in the locker room; it’s whatever you want  (Room Quotes) Aside from the posters, wherever there was room, there were books. Stacks and stacks of books. Books crammed into mismatched shelves and towers of books up to the ceiling. I liked my books  (Room Quotes) As actors, we do our best to keep things light and to encourage in the audience an openness to the changing atoms in the room  (Room Quotes) Cities give not the human senses room enough. We go out daily and nightly to feed the eyes on the horizon, and require so much scope, just as we need water for our bath  (Room Quotes) There are two things that make a room timeless: a sense of history and a piece of the future  (Room Quotes) If there are only you and the music in the room, it means that there are two persons in the room! Music is a live being!  (Room Quotes) The way out of a room is not through the door. Just don’t want out. And you’re free  (Room Quotes) I wasn’t prepared for this big room with clattering typewriters and teletype printers. You could hardly hear yourself think  (Room Quotes) For the first time in our history, every spectrum of black thought is in the same room on the same page with a cause bigger than our persons, bigger than our organizations, and the cause is to ease the suffering of the masses of our people  (Room Quotes) God would grant all of us wisdom, calm, and peace, that his presence would be in the operating room, and that his will might be done  (Room Quotes) Wrestling has been a way of life with me day in and day out. I won’t get too far away from it. I might walk through the wrestling room once a week. I could go every day if I wanted. But just walk through, make sure it’s still there  (Room Quotes) Intellect in the practice room or studio gives you the tools to use your heart on stage  (Room Quotes) There’s room for magic and inspiration. There’s room to live a better story  (Room Quotes) You can’t keep wanting to be 20 years old. Everybody knows that, but what’s in the next room?  (Room Quotes) When you write the script, you’re home in a room by yourself, and you’re writing, and there’s no connection with the real performing world. So you get a lot of things wrong and make a lot of mistakes and make a lot of bad choices  (Room Quotes) I see no advantages in aging whatsoever. You become shriveled. You become decrepit. You lose your faculties. Your peer group passes away. You sit in a room gumming your porridge. I don’t see any advantage in this whatsoever  (Room Quotes) I try not to write songs. I would rather emote them, and I found myself going back to my room every night while on my trip, just pouring out new songs and new stories about what I was seeing, what I was feeling  (Room Quotes) From when I was born, my dad would dance with me in his arms, and I would watch my siblings dancing around in the living room. I just grew up with that. That was just my life  (Room Quotes) When you work in front of the people, either in a film or in television, the people who are in the room with you are not watching you work, they’re working so you’d have to light a fire to get them to watch what you were doing  (Room Quotes) I realize that I want something more. Success is great, but then you also wake up in your hotel room at four in the morning and you’re like, wouldn’t it be nice to have someone here with me  (Room Quotes) I’m a huge lover of going to the theater and having that experience of people in the room. Any time you go to an experience like this, you hear it in a different way because sound systems are different  (Room Quotes) When someone new walks into a room, the first thing we notice about that person is probably their gender. And the second things is what they’re wearing. And based on what they’re wearing, we start making certain assumptions about them  (Room Quotes) It wasn’t really until after I got out of art school that I realized that I’d been doing that sort of for the audience, for that context. Somehow, being alone in the room, it made no sense at all to make those kinds of paintings  (Room Quotes) You don’t do any show to be celebrated. In fact, you don’t do any show thinking what’s going to happen in the end. You immerse yourself in a room full of talent and a room full of designers and you hope for the best  (Room Quotes) I used to get so worried that if a scene didn’t go a certain way, then it was horrible. But then I realized that it was better to give the director options in the editing room than just being locked into how it’s supposed to be  (Room Quotes) A library is the delivery room for the birth of ideas, a place where history comes to life  (Room Quotes)
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