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Room Quotes

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It was amazing how many books one could fit into a room, assuming one didn’t want to move around very much  (Room Quotes) Cleansed, chlorinated to the point of chemical peel, sore muscles relieved, I felt almost human again. Tiptoe to my room, up a darkened hall, past closed doors, I wondered if I’d ever feel completely human again  (Room Quotes) She crossed the room to him, put her arms around him, clung to him, turning her face to the side, learning all at once that it was awkward to show a person all of one’s love when one’s nose was broken  (Room Quotes) He just didn’t look like the kind of creep that would messily murder a woman in her hotel room; he looked like the kind of creep that could line her up in the sights of an assassins rifle without a shred of emotion  (Room Quotes) I began peering into the corners of the room, making sure all the shadows were cast by objects and obeying known laws of physics  (Room Quotes) I went to the guest room and pretended to write. I hit the space bar again and again and again. My life story was spaces  (Room Quotes) You’re right. Everyone in this room with a pulse is starting to smell really good. Okay. Back in the box, better safe than sorry  (Room Quotes) That somehow dreams are a blurred line between here and there, like a meeting room in a prison. You’re both in the same room, yet on different sides and really, in different worlds  (Room Quotes) There is no formula to relationships. They have to be negotiated in loving ways, with room for both parties, what they want and what they need, what they can do and what their life is like  (Room Quotes) Since it had gotten so quiet in the room that you could hear the sound of your own doubts  (Room Quotes) We’re always alone. You can be in a crowded room and still feel the bite of loneliness. Personally, I find that it bites deepest whenever others are around  (Room Quotes) I’m on my feet, pacing around the room, punching a fist into my palm, which I stop doing when I realise how drama queen it feels  (Room Quotes) Her searches after knowledge were arbitrary and without context. It was as if she were shining a small flashlight of curiosity into the dark room of the world  (Room Quotes) I’m not up for laughing, but their laughter makes the room feel safer, so we begin to explore  (Room Quotes) All we had was her room, her stories, and the quiet that settled in as we tried in vain to spread ourselves out and fill the space she’d left behind  (Room Quotes) You’ll never know that just sitting across a room full of people, I have transformed you into a goddess. A destroyer of despair  (Room Quotes) Now she and I sit together in her room and eat chocolate, and I tell her that in a very long time when we both to go heaven, we should try to get chairs next to each other, close to the dessert table  (Room Quotes) Many a housewife staring at the back of her husband’s newspaper, or listening to his breathing in bed is lonelier than any spinster in a rented room  (Room Quotes) It was terrible. All of the things we couldn’t share. The room was filled with conversations we weren’t having  (Room Quotes) If we’d put them in a vase in the living room, they would have been everyone’s flowers. I wanted them to be my flowers  (Room Quotes) I tried to continue, but somehow my throat made up its mind to swallow – though I can’t think what I was swallowing, unless it was a little knot of emotion I pushed back down because there was no room in my face for any more  (Room Quotes) A person could see a lot without ever leaving his own living room. Especially if he had the right tools  (Room Quotes) We don’t have the time to completely be ourselves. We only have the room to be happy  (Room Quotes) I was just thinking – today is the first and last day of forever. It’s kind of hard to wrap my head around it. Even with all this extra room for wrapping  (Room Quotes) They say that the eyes of some paintings can follow you around the room, a fact that I doubt, but I am wondering whether some music can follow you for ever  (Room Quotes) Always remember that when a man goes out of the room, he leaves everything in it behind... When a woman goes out she carries everything that happened in the room along with her  (Room Quotes) Alone had always felt like an actual place to me, as if it weren’t a state of being, but rather a room where I could retreat to be who I really was  (Room Quotes) Her tiny hand gripped mine with a surprising warmth, and in a shocking wash of emotion, I felt everything I knew shift. The scent of cinnamon and baby powder hit me, and as my eyes widened, my heart melted, making room for her  (Room Quotes) Our eyes met across the crowded room, like in the movies, except we didn’t share a knowing smile and race into each other’s arms. Instead I fell into the trash can  (Room Quotes) I felt his eyes devour me as I moved around the room. He assessed me head to toe without blinking, and a hot ache shivered through me. A kiss would’ve been less intimate  (Room Quotes)
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