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Room Quotes

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When I walk into a room, I know that everyone in it loves me. I just don’t expect them to realize it yet  (Room Quotes) He felt the almost sexual thrill of being the one in the room with all the power  (Room Quotes) I like the natural sound of a room. all the rooms have their own sound, so it’s a matter of putting it where you like and seeing what it sounds like  (Room Quotes) Never trust a man who, when left alone in a room with a tea cozy, doesn’t try it on  (Room Quotes) She brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn  (Room Quotes) What if I’m 60 years old and not married, all alone in a furnished room with pee stains on my underwear and everybody else is married!  (Room Quotes) I allowed the soothing music and the muted sounds of the city and the rich, sweet smell of success that permeated the room to lull my senses  (Room Quotes) I am pent up in frowzy lodgings, where there is not room enough to swing a cat  (Room Quotes) The greater one’s love for a person the less room for flattery. The proof of true love is to be unsparing in criticism  (Room Quotes) And my parents finally realize that I’m kidnapped and they snap into action immediately: They rent out my room  (Room Quotes) Just as every conviction begins as a whim so does every emancipator serve his apprenticeship as a crank. A fanatic is a great leader who is just entering the room  (Room Quotes) A chuckle a day may not keep the doctor away, but it sure does make those times in life’s waiting room a little more bearable  (Room Quotes) Through wisdom is a house built; and by understanding it is established; and by knowledge shall every room be filled with precious and pleasant riches  (Room Quotes) When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and bring joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life  (Room Quotes) Pedantry is the showy display of knowledge which crams our heads with learned lumber and then takes out our brains to make room for it  (Room Quotes) Love is lost in men’s capricious minds, but in women s, it fills all the room it finds  (Room Quotes) Change happens in the boiler room of our emotions... So find out how to light their fires  (Room Quotes) Civilization today reminds me of an ape with a blowtorch playing in a room full of dynamite. It looks like the monkeys are about to operate the zoo, and the inmates are taking over the asylum  (Room Quotes) If they have a popular thought they have to go into a darkened room and lie down until it passes  (Room Quotes) All man’s miseries derive from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone  (Room Quotes) We should always keep a corner of our heads open and free, that we may make room for the opinions of our friends. Let us have heart and head hospitality  (Room Quotes) What furniture can give such finish to a room as a tender woman’s face? and is there any harmony of tints that has such stirring of delight as the sweet modulation of her voice?  (Room Quotes) Many a woman will pass for elegant in a ballroom, or even at a court drawing room, whose want of true breeding would become evident in a chosen company  (Room Quotes) Fame is a shuttlecock. If it be struck only at one end of a room it will soon fall to the floor. To keep it up, it must be struck at both ends  (Room Quotes) There are heads sometimes so little, that there is no room for wit, sometimes so long that there is no wit for so much room  (Room Quotes) There is a chill air surrounding those who are down in the world; and people are glad to get away from them, as from a cold room  (Room Quotes) Then fell upon the house a sudden gloom, a shadow on those features fair and thin; and softly, from the hushed and darkened room, two angels issued, where but one went in  (Room Quotes) Poor love is lost in men’s capacious minds, in ours, it fills up all the room it finds  (Room Quotes) I’d rather have a part where you walk into a room and you leave. That’s perfect for me  (Room Quotes) My philosophy: find what it is you want to say, walk in the room, say it, and get the hell out  (Room Quotes)
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