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Room Quotes

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He [Wladimir Klitschko] likes silence when he fights because it gives him time and room to think. He doesn’t like things to get chaotic or crazy  (Room Quotes) [New York] gives you room to be weird; you can be yourself and you can wear whatever you want. No one is really going to judge you because everyone is doing their own thing  (Room Quotes) With a screenwriter and with the actors there is always an environment of trust. You can say anything, all your secrets, and you know that it won’t get out of that room  (Room Quotes) By perseverance the snail reached the ark. A mouse may find a hole, be the room ever so full of cats  (Room Quotes) Big Cliff Lazarenko’s idea of exercise is sitting in a room with the windows open taking the lid off something cool and fizzy  (Room Quotes) I get sent Bibles. I have a collection of about 20 in my room. People think I need to be guided  (Room Quotes) You have to know what you’re shooting. Don’t just make your movie in the editing room and just get everything you can on the day  (Room Quotes) We are saved by grace, through faith in Christ alone! And since there is no room for human merit there can be no grounds for human boasting!  (Room Quotes) It’s good fun to create an unpredictable character. When he comes into the room, I don’t know what he’s going to do - I have to find my way  (Room Quotes) As a kid, I always thought the TV was a magic box in the corner of the room  (Room Quotes) I go into a meditative state but I don’t follow a path that people who meditate take, like sitting in a room and getting quiet. It is when I swim that I meditate  (Room Quotes) I’m interested in how paintings can change or transform - sometimes through close examination or viewed from afar; or how they hold the space of a wall or interact in a room with each other  (Room Quotes) Do not lounge in the cities! There is room and health in the country, away from the crowds of idlers and imbeciles. Go west, before you are fitted for no life but that of the factory  (Room Quotes) You might be a redneck if an expired license plate means another decoration for your living room wall  (Room Quotes) The first time when you can really get a sense of what the movie is going to look and feel like is when you’re in a casting room and seeing it  (Room Quotes) I always stay out of the rehearsal room you know when they first come in. Then once they had chance to play a little bit, then I walk in. Because I’ve seen guys fall apart  (Room Quotes) My way of telling stories is kind of what I do naturally. It’s no different from how I would talk to you if you were in my living room  (Room Quotes) Few things are more annoying than too many of any one ethnicity in the same room  (Room Quotes) Whatever you see me do is spontaneous reactions on stage. It’s nothing planned. It’s nothing that I got in the room and tried to think of hard. It just happens through feeling  (Room Quotes) I never really wanted to be a star. I didn’t like entering a room with all eyes on me. I still don’t really like the attention of a birthday party  (Room Quotes) I enjoy being on my own. I feel like I have more room to stretch. I have to go with the flow  (Room Quotes) I love challenging the notion that, in order to be a tech founder, you have to be holed up in a dark room wearing a T-shirt and baggy jeans  (Room Quotes) When it’s me in my living room, it’s pretty pure, and then what gets recorded involves more people, and it keeps escalating from there  (Room Quotes) I wasn’t accepted because I didn’t accept the drug culture that most of my peers were involved in. Now it’s like a locked room  (Room Quotes) When someone walks into my room and goes ‘wow’ at my record collection, at that moment I could actually hate music and just want to go sit in the garden  (Room Quotes) It’s not easy to make friends when you’re an adult writer outside of academia, especially when you work alone in a little room for twelve hours a day, and so I wrote toward what I most longed for  (Room Quotes) When you go on a stage - or even in a cafe or a room - and you play it’s all happening right then and there: the exchange, the art, the communication. Performance is in the moment  (Room Quotes) I’ve always kind of been in the middle of every room, trying to get people together, no matter what color they were  (Room Quotes) The writers are so smart, I can only imagine. I would love to be in that room. I love the creative process  (Room Quotes) The awkward thing is the people in the room besides us. It’s not us. It’s just the 20 or 30 people that are around on set, who normally wouldn’t be on set. That’s always interesting  (Room Quotes)
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