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Rooted Quotes

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Marriage is not slavery. It is based on a love relationship deeply rooted in freedom. Each partner is free from the other and therefore free to love the other. Where there is control, or perception of control, there is not love. Love only exists where there is freedom  (Rooted Quotes) There’s more truth about a camp than a house. Planning laws need not worry the improvising builder because temporary structures are more beautiful anyway, and you don’t need permission for them. There’s more truth about a camp because that is the position we are in. The house represents what we ourselves would like to be on earth: permanent, rooted, here for eternity. But a camp represents the true reality of things: we’re just passing through  (Rooted Quotes) Many men have deep rooted problems regarding the status of women, and during sex these problems come out. They consciously or unconsciously project anger and hate towards women they have sex with. This energy enters a woman’s subtle physical body and damages it  (Rooted Quotes) The nobility of our calling will always be rooted in two commitments difficult to observe: refusal to lie about what we know, and resistance to oppression  (Rooted Quotes) Senses of humor define people, as factions, deeper rooted than religious or political opinions. When carrying out everyday tasks, opinions are rather easy to set aside, but those whom a person shares a sense of humor with are his closest friends. They are always there to make the biggest influence  (Rooted Quotes) Teacher preparation should go beyond the technical preparation of teachers and be rooted in the ethical formation both of selves and of history  (Rooted Quotes) Architecture should be rooted in the past, and yet be part of our own time and forward looking  (Rooted Quotes) Any work that is not rooted in myth and poetry or that does not partake of the depth and essence of the universe is merely a ghost  (Rooted Quotes) There can be no truly moral choice unless that choice is made in freedom; similarly, there can be no really firmly grounded and consistent defense of freedom unless that defense is rooted in moral principle. In concentrating on the ends of choice, the conservative, by neglecting the conditions of choice, loses that very morality of conduct with which he is so concerned. And the libertarian, by concentrating only on the means, or conditions, of choice and ignoring the ends, throws away an essential moral defense of his own position  (Rooted Quotes) Many people’s unhappiness is rooted in the habitual role they play. While our family role may have made sense growing up, it often wreaks havoc in our adult lives  (Rooted Quotes) The essential thing is action. Action has three stages: the decision born of thought, the order or preparation for execution, and the execution itself. All three stages are governed by the will. The will is rooted in character, and for the man of action character is of more critical importance than intellect. Intellect without will is worthless, will without intellect is dangerous  (Rooted Quotes) You can’t say the public likes generic characters. Give others a chance, go for a more rooted and honest characterisation, take some risk, and then let the public choose  (Rooted Quotes) When I talk of reality, I am always thinking of essentials. Profundity is not located in some remote, inaccessible region. It is rooted in everyday life  (Rooted Quotes) Never suffer an exception to occur till the new habit is securely rooted in your life. Each lapse is like the letting fall of a ball of string which one is carefully winding up; a single slip undoes more than a great many turns will wind again  (Rooted Quotes) When we look at a conflict, it is so often rooted in injustice, prejudice, competition for resources, poverty, poor governance and corruption  (Rooted Quotes) The real joy is in discovering that the twigs and branches of my practice are all firmly rooted in a single tree, even as time goes by and I become increasingly aware of the fleetingness of all things  (Rooted Quotes) Work can only be universal if it is rooted in a part of its creator which is most privately and particularly himself  (Rooted Quotes) A mode of knowledge rooted in silence and intuitive insight which gives meaning to life but which cannot be explained in rational terms  (Rooted Quotes) Classic music will always come across better on the ice because skating has such a rich history, rooted in tradition  (Rooted Quotes) Justice has nothing to do with expediency. Justice has nothing to do with any temporary standard whatever. It is rooted and grounded in the fundamental instincts of humanity  (Rooted Quotes) Life comes first, an art not rooted in human experience is not worth a damn, but different kinds of minds have different kinds of experience, and all I ask of any man is validity; and there should be place for every type and kind of mind  (Rooted Quotes) It’s as if tendencies that seem most deeply rooted in our minds, most private and singular, have come in as spores on the prevailing wind, looking for any likely place to land, any welcome  (Rooted Quotes) I’m just as comfortable performing solo with just my acoustic guitar and vocal as I am with a band. The main thing for me is that the performance remain rooted in the words and voice, that there be no place to hide  (Rooted Quotes) As someone who has moved around a fair amount, I wondered what it would be like to stay rooted to one place, one community  (Rooted Quotes) It’s rooted in my blood to consume you and be consumed by you. To protect you. To please you, in every way. To make you shiver when I touch you. To cause your heart to beat faster  (Rooted Quotes) Through my observations, it became clear that most of society’s rules and customs are rooted in fear and superstition!  (Rooted Quotes) To be rooted is perhaps the most important and least recognized need of the human soul  (Rooted Quotes) Success is deeply rooted in time and place. You may have the drive to read tons of books on biology. But if there are no books on biology in your library, and the library is never open, your drive is meaningless  (Rooted Quotes) Future lawyers should be more aware that law is not a system of abstract logic, but the web of arrangements, rooted in history but also in hopes, for promoting to a maximum the full use of a nation’s resources and talents  (Rooted Quotes) It is a truth, universally acknowledged, that there is no passion so deeply rooted in human nature as that of pride  (Rooted Quotes)
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