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Heroes’, ‘Desperate Housewives’, ‘The Sopranos’ - they’re all very stylised. ‘The Wire’ is much more rooted in realism and honesty. In American television, I can’t think of anything I’d rather have been in because it has got something to say and that is the kind of thing I want to do.  (Rooted Quotes) It’s wrong to look at what we call ‘Enlightenment values’ as some fad of the 18th century. It’s deeply rooted in ancient history.  (Rooted Quotes) Whenever society begins to create policies and laws rooted in fear and anger, there will be abuse and injustice.  (Rooted Quotes) Kindliness seems to exist primarily as an animal instinct, so deeply rooted that mental degeneracy, which works from the top down,does not destroy it until the mind sinks to the lower grades of idiocy.  (Rooted Quotes) Robert Spencer, a prolific anti-Islam writer and a leading Islamophobe who is bent on distorting Islam and demonizing Muslims, has persistently argued that violence and terrorism employed by Muslim extremists is rooted in the Quran and its message. Spencer calls the Quran, a book sacred to Muslim, ‘the jihadists’ Mein Kampf,’ in reference to Hitler’s memoir.  (Rooted Quotes) The courage to be is rooted in the God who appears when God has disappeared in the anxiety of doubt.  (Rooted Quotes) The increasing mistrust between the Arab-Muslim peoples and the western world is rooted in the conflict in Palestine.  (Rooted Quotes) We live in secular world now, but most of our art and culture is rooted in religion  (Rooted Quotes) Revolutionary art anticipates visionary physics. When the vision of the revolutionary artist, rooted in the Dionysian right hemisphere, combines with precognition, art will prophesy the future conception of reality.  (Rooted Quotes) My art is rooted in a single reflection: why am I not as others are? ... my art gives meaning to my life.  (Rooted Quotes) Asking questions is what brains were born to do, at least when we were young children. For young children, quite literally, seeking explanations is as deeply rooted a drive as seeking food or water.  (Rooted Quotes) Animism is a monist metaphysical stance, based upon the idea that mind and matter are not distinct and separate substances but an integrated reality, rooted in nature.  (Rooted Quotes) My father loved Brazilian football, a diehard follower, so of course, he hated Germany and always rooted against them, always.  (Rooted Quotes) The greatest strength are rooted in love, joy, peace, patient, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.  (Rooted Quotes) The notion that better engineering can solve all our problems is rooted in an ignorance of non-linear systems and selective/wishful thinking.  (Rooted Quotes) No one’s life should be rooted in fear. We are born for wonder, for joy, for hope, for love, to marvel at the mystery of existence, to be ravished by the beauty of the world, to seek truth and meaning, to acquire wisdom, and by our treatment of others to brighten the corner where we are.  (Rooted Quotes) I am very different as a parent to new kids. My work changed from being rooted in the sky to being rooted in the earth.  (Rooted Quotes) Men find it more difficult than women to be alone. They function better with someone in their lives. Being married, they are rooted, so they feel safe to go and do what they want to do.  (Rooted Quotes) I’ve found that using historical material and being rooted in historical material is liberating because I always think to myself, ‘Well, this actually happened, and this is fantastic!’ That’s why I don’t like fantasy, in a way. Because it’s sort of in emptiness.  (Rooted Quotes) Don’t listen to other people’s advice unless it is rooted in irrepressible enthusiasm (e.g., Be afraid but do it anyway), or about the importance of being a good colleague.  (Rooted Quotes) Very often, the judgments by ordinary citizens may be better than those by professional economists, being more rooted in reality and less narrowly focused.  (Rooted Quotes) Everyone is so estranged; no one is rooted. That’s what I like to write about more than anything else. Everything being so mixed up. Racially mixed up, people moving from place to place, everything shifting.  (Rooted Quotes) Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Thoughts are things! Strong, deeply rooted desire is the starting point of all achievement.  (Rooted Quotes) I don’t come from a wealthy or privileged background, and growing up I was always looking for the best quality at a price I could afford. My love of vintage is rooted in that. Drugstores were the mecca for the latest makeup trends and products.  (Rooted Quotes) To be a good citizen, it’s important to be able to put yourself in other people’s shoes and see the big picture. If everything you see is rooted in your own identity, that becomes difficult or impossible.  (Rooted Quotes) My biggest thing is telling a truthful story, something that is rooted in something and is very honest. If I read a script and you want me to take off my top, and it doesn’t serve a purpose, then I’m not going to do it.  (Rooted Quotes) Your ‘hara’ is here, where your uterus is if you’re a woman, where the tummy sticks out if you’re a man, the centre of gravity of the human body. It is the synthesis of our intellect, body and spirit, and by developing our consciousness of it, we can become incredibly rooted.  (Rooted Quotes) I had a few problems. I didn’t realise it until I started going to therapy. I did it for 10 years, two days a week, and pretty quickly I understood that a lot of my suffering, many of my issues, were rooted in my realising that I was gay when I was a little boy. I knew I was different. That made me very fragile.  (Rooted Quotes) Canst thou not minister to a mind diseased, Pluck from the memory a rooted sorrow, Raze out the written troubles of the brain  (Rooted Quotes) The House is rooted in the principle of direct elections and is unique among all branches and bodies of the federal government as without exception, the people’s voice.  (Rooted Quotes)
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