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Rubs Quotes

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You just get the vibes of your surroundings and it rubs off on you  (Rubs Quotes) Disbelief is catching. It rubs off on people  (Rubs Quotes) As sore places meet most rubs, proud folks meet most affronts  (Rubs Quotes) Something rubs off from everything you read, observe, and tinker with  (Rubs Quotes) Sentimentality is the only sentiment that rubs you the wrong way  (Rubs Quotes) Sentimentality is the only sentiment that rubs you up the wrong way  (Rubs Quotes) I love foot rubs, too. I’ll take one whenever I can  (Rubs Quotes) It rubs the lotion on its skin. It does this whenever it is told  (Rubs Quotes) Missing rubs the soul raw  (Rubs Quotes) There will be little rubs and disappointments everywhere, and we are all apt to expect too much; but then, if one scheme of happiness fails, human nature turns to another; if the first calculation is wrong, we make a second better: we find comfort somewhere  (Rubs Quotes) Stay close to the young... and a little rubs off  (Rubs Quotes) Every country has an aspect to it that rubs up people the wrong way  (Rubs Quotes) I think there is a certain sensibility to someone you are attracted to and when it rubs off that’s good  (Rubs Quotes) An idea can turn to dust or magic, depending on the talent that rubs against it  (Rubs Quotes) I guess my enthusiasm kind of rubs off on people  (Rubs Quotes) The banker rubs his nose, thinking of his cat stalking something on the lawn  (Rubs Quotes) Because I have something to say doesn’t mean everyone has to take it too seriously or get too upset that it rubs them the wrong way  (Rubs Quotes) If my legs are showing, the makeup artist adds a tiny amount of foundation to body lotion and rubs it in.  (Rubs Quotes) I just don’t like the word ‘fun’--it’s like Volkswagen, or bell-bottoms, or patchouli-oil or bean-sprouts...it rubs me up the wrong way.  (Rubs Quotes) Let me tell you something. I’m a funny girl, and I gave birth to what? Funny. I can’t help it. It just is what it is, and my kids have been around my antics so long, it kind of rubs off a little bit. So when it comes to what you see, you only see what is really manifesting in our lives at the time.  (Rubs Quotes) Overdone lipstick is a deterrent to men. It rubs off easily onto their skin and the edges of their shirts, so it discourages them from kissing, touching, and coming closer to you, which is what they really want to do!  (Rubs Quotes) I hope the business sense that artists like Jay-Z and Nelly are showing rubs off on the young players. I want somebody to stand up and say, Look, these kids got it going on. We want to be a part of them.  (Rubs Quotes) I think there is a certain sensibility to someone you are attracted to and when it rubs off that’s good.  (Rubs Quotes) As the character changes in the movie, it rubs off on the viewer, so the viewer also goes through that change.  (Rubs Quotes) During your life, everything you do and everyone you meet rubs off in some way. Some bit of everything you experience stays with everyone you’ve ever known, and nothing is lost. That’s what is eternal, these little specks of experience in a great, enormous river that has no end.  (Rubs Quotes) I think Liverpool generates generosity which rubs off - it’s a good place to work and to party  (Rubs Quotes) And just as I start to move past him, my hip accidentally rubs against his, and his face is so close, and his eyes so deep, that I can’t help but lift my fingers to his smooth, sculptured cheek. Then without even thinking, I close my eyes, lean in, and kiss him  (Rubs Quotes) By obliging men to turn their attention to other affairs than their own, it rubs off that private selfishness which is the rust of society  (Rubs Quotes) It rubs me the wrong way, a camera... It’s a frightening thing... Cameras make ghosts out of people  (Rubs Quotes) We sometimes had those little rubs which Providence sends to enhance the value of its favors  (Rubs Quotes)
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