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Rule Quotes

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I think there should be no occasion on which it is absolutely, as a point or rule of law, impossible for a man to redeem his character  (Rule Quotes) I can see only one safe rule for the historian: that he should recognize in the development of human destinies the play of the contingent and the unforeseen  (Rule Quotes) But it can be laid down as a rule that those who speak most of liberty are least inclined to use it  (Rule Quotes) They prevented men from doing anything. But they did nothing themselves. They did not rule, they only blighted  (Rule Quotes) The great rule: If the little bit you have is nothing special in itself, at least find a way of saying it that is a little bit special  (Rule Quotes) There is no more important rule of conduct in the world than this: attach yourself as much as you can to people who are abler than you and yet not so very different that you cannot understand them  (Rule Quotes) I do not believe one can settle how much we ought to give. I am afraid the only safe rule is to give more than we can spare  (Rule Quotes) Being asked why in some kingdoms the king is of age at fourteen, but cannot marry until eighteen, moliere replied: Because it is more difficult to rule a wife than a kingdom  (Rule Quotes) There’s a rule of writing: if everything is funny, nothing is funny; if everything is sad, nothing is sad. You want that contrast  (Rule Quotes) You can rule ignorance; you can manipulate the illiterate; you can do whatever you want when a people are uneducated, so that goes in line with corrupt business and corrupt politics  (Rule Quotes) It is a good rule after reading a new book, never to allow yourself another new one till you have read an old one in between  (Rule Quotes) The rule of the universe is that others can do for us what we cannot do for ourselves, and one can paddle every canoe except one’s own  (Rule Quotes) I thought of several alec smart remarks, but you should humor crazy people when you’re at their mercy; it’s a rule  (Rule Quotes) A dogmatic belief in objective value is necessary to the very idea of a rule which is not tyranny or an obedience which is not slavery  (Rule Quotes) Just remember that the only question in a house is who is to rule. The rest is only dancing around that, trying not to look it in the eye  (Rule Quotes) The rule is: we cannot really forgive ourselves unless we look at the failure in our past and call it by its right name  (Rule Quotes) But it was ever thus, all through my life: whenever I have diverged from custom and principle and uttered a truth, the rule has been that the hearer hadn’t strength of mind enough to believe it  (Rule Quotes) The real argument against aristocracy is that it always means the rule of the ignorant. For the most dangerous of all forms of ignorance is ignorance of work  (Rule Quotes) It may be laid as an universal rule that a government which attempts more than it ought will perform less  (Rule Quotes) If I had to reduce the responsibilities of a good follower to a single rule, it would be to speak truth to power  (Rule Quotes) The tendency of all strong governments has always been to suppress liberty, partly in order to ease the processes of rule, partly from sheer disbelief in innovation  (Rule Quotes) The world no longer has a choice between force and law; if civilization is to survive, it must choose the rule of law  (Rule Quotes) I didn’t turn with the enemy pilots as a rule. I might make one turn to see what the situation was but not often. It was too risky  (Rule Quotes) It will not be possible to rule out the supposition that the process of evolution may be guided by an intelligent design  (Rule Quotes) Most fishermen swiftly learn that it’s a pretty good rule never to show a favorite spot to any fisherman you wouldn’t trust with your wife  (Rule Quotes) The interesting adults are always the school failures, the weird ones, the losers, the malcontents, this isn’t wishful thinking. It’s the rule  (Rule Quotes) It seems a universal rule in this world that people will always look for victims and scapegoats, does it not? Especially at times of difficulty and tension  (Rule Quotes) To implant fear in the minds of children is a crime. If parents try to rule the child by fear, then fear rules the child  (Rule Quotes) It is a common rule with primitive people not to waken a sleeper, because his soul is away and might not have time to get back  (Rule Quotes) I think there should be a rule that everyone in the world should get a standing ovation at least once in their lives  (Rule Quotes)
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