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Rule Quotes

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The fall of man did not introduce evil; it placed us on the wrong side of it, under its rule, needing rescue  (Rule Quotes) There is, of course, nothing wrong in a program that aims to please everybody, except that as a rule it is a prelude to dictatorship  (Rule Quotes) What is the cause of most backslidings? I believe, as a general rule, one of the chief causes is neglect of private prayer  (Rule Quotes) How to begin to educate a child. First rule: leave him alone. Second rule: leave him alone. Third rule: leave him alone. That is the whole beginning  (Rule Quotes) My rule is, when you are unhappy, think about it. But when you’re happy, don’t. Why spoil it? You’re probably happy for some ridiculous reason and you’d just spoil it to know it  (Rule Quotes) People can cry much easier than they can change, a rule of psychology people like me picked up as kids on the street  (Rule Quotes) I mean, most actresses can’t host and most hostesses can’t act, and that’s the general rule in the industry  (Rule Quotes) Each one of us has something to contribute. This really depends on each one doing their own thinking, but not following any kind of rule  (Rule Quotes) Conservation is ethically sound. It is rooted in our love of the land, our respect for the rights of others, our devotion to the rule of law  (Rule Quotes) But wasn’t there some sort of rule that said parents had to be smarter than their kids? It didn’t seem fair  (Rule Quotes) The general rule of law is, that the noblest of human productions knowledge, truths ascertained, conceptions and ideas become, after voluntary communication to others, free as the air to common use  (Rule Quotes) First rule of engineering; beware prototypes. Along with, avoid anything made by an engineer who doesn’t have all his own fingers  (Rule Quotes) You know the rule of 72, divide the number into 72, any number you want, and that’s how long it will take your money to double  (Rule Quotes) Fascism was little more than terrorist rule by corrupt gangsters. Mussolini was not corrupt himself but he did nothing except to rage impotently  (Rule Quotes) It’s hard to guess how smart the machines are, but a good rule of thumb is that they’re always smarter than you think  (Rule Quotes) I believe when you’re writing film or television, you can’t rely on a crutch or rule that exists outside of the narrative of the film  (Rule Quotes) The rule of distributive justice is a statement of what ought to be, and what people say ought to be is determined in the long run and with some lag by what they find in fact to be the case  (Rule Quotes) Do I dare set forth here the most important, the most useful rule of all education? It is not to save time, but to squander it  (Rule Quotes) Every man who repeats the dogma of Mill that one country is no fit to rule another country must admit that one class is not fit to rule another class  (Rule Quotes) Here is a pretty good rule of thumb for Democratic Presidents: if it didn’t work for Franklin D. Roosevelt, who won four terms and a World War, it probably won’t work for you either  (Rule Quotes) Here is the rule to remember in the future, When anything tempts you to be bitter: not, ‘This is a misfortune’ but ‘To bear this worthily is good fortune  (Rule Quotes) Here’s my Golden Rule for a tarnished age: Be fair with others, but keep after them until they’re fair with you  (Rule Quotes) I don’t really believe in rules, but I do like old-fashioned dating where you don’t call the guy until he calls you. I don’t think it’s like he’s got to do this and that’s the rule  (Rule Quotes) I have only one rule in acting - trust the director and give him heart and soul  (Rule Quotes) In Nicaragua, liberty, equality and the rule of law were the stuff of dreams. But in Paris I discovered the value of those words  (Rule Quotes) Listen, if there’s one sure-fire rule that I have learned in this business, it’s that I don’t know anything about human nature  (Rule Quotes) Since achieving their independence in 1992, the people of Croatia have built a democratic society based on the rule of law, respect for human rights, and a free market economy  (Rule Quotes) The Chinese government is quickly losing its ideological legitimacy, maintain its rule with force, but cannot draw strength from the ideology of Marx and Mao  (Rule Quotes) The golden rule for every business man is this: ‘Put yourself in your customer’s place  (Rule Quotes) The long-established and noble rule of Law, one of the greatest products of the character and tradition of British history, has suffered a deadly blow. Blackmail has become respectable  (Rule Quotes)
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