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Rule Quotes

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Ethical inquiry has always been motivated by the aim of improving human conduct. It doesn’t follow from that that the goal is to produce a complete rule book that would be applicable to all cases  (Rule Quotes) I would say that nerds, as a rule, are much more sexually active than the average person. There’s a lot of anxiety and stress in the nerd brain, so sex is good for that  (Rule Quotes) The factor that makes people extremely vulnerable to enslavement is the lack of the rule of law  (Rule Quotes) What he [Bernie Sanders] does next will really determine whether he is blazing a trail that others can follow into office, or whether he is an exception to the rule  (Rule Quotes) I thought instead of a good rule for survival on Wall Street: Never agree to anything proposed on someone else’s boat or you’ll regret in in the morning  (Rule Quotes) That you prefer to rule through fear rather than justice? So sorry, Your Majesty, I’m afraid I already knew that about you  (Rule Quotes) There should be a rule that you can’t get your period over the summer  (Rule Quotes) I am very much opposed to abortion personally. But I don’t think it is the government’s rule  (Rule Quotes) There is one rule in the garden that is above all others. You must give to nature more than you take. Obey it, and the earth will provide you in glorious abundance  (Rule Quotes) The rule for traveling abroad is to take our common sense with us, and leave our prejudices behind  (Rule Quotes) A particularly beautiful woman is a source of terror. As a rule, a beautiful woman is a terrible disappointment  (Rule Quotes) One rule is to not use complicated techniques unless they are necessary to achieve your goal. First, use simple movements, and if they don’t work, then introduce the more complex ones  (Rule Quotes) A good workplace safety rule is to keep employees apart if their weight differs by 11, 850 pounds and the heavier one has two prior murders  (Rule Quotes) Our rule is: If it makes the parent laugh, and the kid asks why, that can’t be an uncomfortable conversation  (Rule Quotes) As a rule, my focus is on classical music, but I love jazz. I love everything, actually  (Rule Quotes) A simple rule applies: if you don’t quickly comprehend what a company is doing, then management probably doesn’t either  (Rule Quotes) The justification of majority rule in politics is not to be found in its ethical superiority  (Rule Quotes) Best rule for a simple life. Care with no reason, love with no expectation  (Rule Quotes) Change is the rule of life. Nothing stays the same forever, everything will change, so accept this and enjoy the journey  (Rule Quotes) Plan well before you take the journey. Remember the carpenter’s rule: Measure twice, cut once  (Rule Quotes) I am not to blame for putting forward, in the course of my work on science, any general rule derived from a previous conclusion  (Rule Quotes) In relationship with others, remember the basic and critically important rule: If you want to be loved, be lovable  (Rule Quotes) The best rule of friendship is to keep your heart a little softer than your head  (Rule Quotes) My mother was a Bible student, and when I was a youngster, both my mother and father would say, ‘If people would only live by the Golden Rule, there wouldn’t be the problems that there are.’ In other words, ‘treat people the way you want to be treated.’ If somebody mistreats you, two wrongs won’t make a right  (Rule Quotes) Here’s my pet peeve: The not-so-unstated rule that all women are only to be treated as sexual objects and gawked at-you know, sitting up against a car, washing something, bending over, licking something. That just drives me crazy  (Rule Quotes) By and large, I think it should be a rule in the teacher employment manual that you can’t go attend any event where if you took your classroom on a student field trip, they would summarily be obliterated. That should be rule No. 1  (Rule Quotes) The world is threatened by terrorism and violent extremism like never before. The rule of law is one of our chief defences against terrorism. Our shared values of freedom and democracy are shielded when like-minded nations work together to promote justice  (Rule Quotes) You heard Eric ‘Kiddie’ Cantor say that he was afraid of mob rule down on Wall Street. Oh, you’re afraid, little cutie baby? How about going down there yourself and walking through the crowds?  (Rule Quotes) Me, rule? Me, place the State under my law, when my feeble reason no longer rules even myself!  (Rule Quotes) Think of the tools in a tool-box: there is a hammer, pliers, a saw, a screwdriver, a rule, a glue-pot, nails and screws.--The function of words are as diverse as the functions of these objects  (Rule Quotes)
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