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Rule Quotes

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You never date someone’s ex-boyfriend. Period. That’s not even the unspoken rule - that’s the spoken rule.  (Rule Quotes) You have to believe what you’re saying if you’re going to convince me. I just can’t break that rule, even if I want to.  (Rule Quotes) Obey every rule that will enhance your trust in God for greater work! Break every law that might cause a tear in your relationship with Him against your destiny!  (Rule Quotes) I spent the majority of time at school trying to break the rules. I would climb to the top of buildings; I even burned a building down once - not intentionally, just because I was interested in fire. I remember going through the rule book, ticking off the ones I had broken and looking for the ones I hadn’t.  (Rule Quotes) Donald Trump is breaking every rule and getting away with it. He’s breaking every rule and getting more popular.  (Rule Quotes) It was very much a cry for democratic control at that time. Above all, breaking the accomplished power of a few people to rule the lives of everybody else.  (Rule Quotes) I don’t use airplane bathrooms. As a rule. And I really don’t like breaking rules. (It’s kind of one of my rules.) I mean, if I’m going to plummet to my death, it’s not going to be with my pants around my ankles.  (Rule Quotes) There is no surer or more painful way to learn a rule than to be penalized once for breaking it  (Rule Quotes) Spirits didn’t notice death. By the rule of impermanence, what was meant to break simply broke, and there was only the next breaking and the next.  (Rule Quotes) Khalif (Caliph) Al-Ma’mun’s period of rule (813 - 833 C.E.) may be considered the ‘golden age’ of science and learning. He had always been devoted to books and to learned pursuits. His brilliant mind was interested in every form of intellectual activity. Not only poetry but also philosophy, theology, astronomy, medicine and law all occupied his time.  (Rule Quotes) I believe in the acceptance of personal responsibility, freedom of choice, and the British Empire, which took freedom and the rule of law to countries which would never have known it otherwise.  (Rule Quotes) For over 30 years, the IRA showed that the British government could not rule Ireland on its own terms.  (Rule Quotes) Ineptitude and negligence directed British policies in India more than any cynical desire to divide and rule, but the British were not above exploiting rivalries.  (Rule Quotes) The devadasis have a multilayered story, a story in which poverty, deprivation and injustice against women is central - but what has happened to them is absolutely an outcome of imperialism and the impact of British rule in India.  (Rule Quotes) Britain is still seen as a beacon for decency, for democracy, for vigorous judges upholding the rule of law and, dare I say it, a free press. I respect the press in theory, but when you see some of the things it writes about you, it’s not exactly a happy relationship.  (Rule Quotes) The freedom fighters in India’s long struggle for independence from British rule, or members of the African National Congress, were once classed as terrorists. History, as they say, is written by victors, but history also has many cunning corridors - how much time must elapse before all those tricky side-passages are revealed?  (Rule Quotes) The Indian struggle is not anti-British, it is anti-exploitation, anti-foreign rule, not anti-foreigners.  (Rule Quotes) What senseless violence does is to prolong the lease of life of the British or foreign rule  (Rule Quotes) Christianity in India is inextricably mixed up for the last hundred and fifty years with the British rule.  (Rule Quotes) The collectors of revenue and the policeman are the only symbols by which millions in India’s villages know British rule.  (Rule Quotes) Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act which deprived a whole nation of arms as the blackest.  (Rule Quotes) Rule 1: All rules can be broken. Many (ex-legal and ethical) should be. Most people won’t.  (Rule Quotes) The problem with promises is that once you’ve made one, it’s bound to be broken. It’s like an unspoken cosmic rule.  (Rule Quotes) As a rule, anything in a binder has very little value, except as building material  (Rule Quotes) Businesses succeed when societies themselves succeed. When countries are affected by violence and the absence of the rule of law, business can and must be a messenger of peace.  (Rule Quotes) Books are so cheap and easy to get that people don’t bother stealing them, which is the essential rule of piracy that the music business learned much too late.  (Rule Quotes) While the Chinese people, as a rule, are good people, my business dealings with Communist Chinese officials have left me disturbed and concerned about the rise of the Chinese Empire.  (Rule Quotes) Everyone knows the first rule of business is Look good during confrontations. Or if it isn’t, it should be.  (Rule Quotes) China is very entrepreneurial but has no rule of law. Europe has rule of law but isn’t entrepreneurial. Combine rule of law, entrepreneurialism and a generally pro-business policy, and you have Apple.  (Rule Quotes) The rule of my life is to make business a pleasure, and pleasure my business  (Rule Quotes)
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