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Rule Quotes

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For me, the dumbest rule is that you can’t chew gum in school. For some reason, chewing gum for me gets my brain going.  (Rule Quotes) There’s only one rule in photography - never develop colour film in chicken noodle soup  (Rule Quotes) The old rule about how a thing of beauty is a joy forever, in my experience, even the most beauteous thing is only a joy for about three hours, tops. After that, she’ll want to tell you all about her childhood traumas. Part of meeting these jail girls is it’s so sweet to look at your watch and know she’ll be behind bars in half an hour.  (Rule Quotes) The Chinese government is quickly losing its ideological legitimacy, maintain its rule with force, but cannot draw strength from the ideology of Marx and Mao.  (Rule Quotes) Being alone is scarier than any boogey man and the reason why I don’t choose to see Horror movies as a rule.  (Rule Quotes) The state can be a force for good. The Rule of law is absolutely essential to a good life. God has instituted government and leaders throughout history and throughout the Biblical narrative. However, the state is growing precisely as the church is fading as a force for good, and this does not seem to be a good trend.  (Rule Quotes) City people try to buy time as a rule, when they can, whereas country people are prepared to kill time, although both try to cherish in their mind’s eye the notion of a better life ahead.  (Rule Quotes) The golden rule of drums is hands clapping and feet tapping, and when you are in and out of consciousness, you can’t do that to best of your ability.  (Rule Quotes) We cannot claim to love God, if we continue to live in unclean environment and pollute the waters. God gave man and woman the authority to rule every living creature and to safeguard the living resources. We have a duty to perform and responsibility to fulfil this role.  (Rule Quotes) Well, I think the golden rule I can think of is the fact that you must follow your passion and do something that’s close to your heart. And I think that that’s very important, well, to be successful and to be happy.  (Rule Quotes) Wellesley’s president, Nannerl Overholser Keohane, approved a broad rule with a specific application: The senior thesis of every Wellesley alumna is available in the college archives for anyone to read - except for those written by either a ‘president or first lady of the United States.’  (Rule Quotes) Few years ago [Donald] Trump was being roasted by Comedy Central. They always have rules about things that you can’t joke about. Donald Trump’s rule at that time, the only thing that you couldn’t joke about was a suggestion that he has less money that he claimed to.  (Rule Quotes) It is a matter of common knowledge among mystics that the evolutionary career of mankind is indissolubly bound up with the divine hierarchies, who rule the planets and the signs of the Zodiac, and that the passage of the Sun and the planets through the twelve signs of the Zodiac, marks man’s progress in time and in space.  (Rule Quotes) In transgressing the law of nature, the offender declares himself to live by another rule than that of reason and common equity.  (Rule Quotes) A traditional rabbi is the man to whom the community and its members turn to rule on what Jewish law requires of them, particularly in cases of doubt.  (Rule Quotes) Tech executives have historically been owners of significant portions of their companies’ stock so there is a propensity for them to diversify as a rule.  (Rule Quotes) A rule of thumb: If the company you work for provides a product or service that’s pretty much the same as what was offered last year and a few years before that, it might be time to start looking for something new.  (Rule Quotes) There is a profound hypocrisy - and deep historical ignorance - when Europeans complain about the problems posed by the ethnic and religious minorities in their midst, for that is exactly what European colonial rule meant for peoples around the world.  (Rule Quotes) A rough rule in life is that an organization foolish in one way in dealing with a complex system is all too likely to be foolish in another.  (Rule Quotes) There is no pleasure subtler than the sensation of being a good workman; and in work there is the sense of consanguinity-unconscious as a rule but sometimes conscious.  (Rule Quotes) The freedom enjoyed in Western society under the rule of law and constitutional government explains both the quality of its civilization and its wealth.  (Rule Quotes) The very idea of the law in a constitutional republic involves the requisite that it be a rule, a guide, uniform, fixed and equal, for all, till changed by the same high political power which made it. This is what entitles it to its sovereign weight.  (Rule Quotes) My reason, it’s true, controls my feelings, but whatever its authority, it doesn’t rule them so much as tyrannize them.  (Rule Quotes) It is an almost infallible rule that the more permissive a person is on social and moral issues the more in favour they are of strict gun control.  (Rule Quotes) I don’t read reviews, as a rule. I can’t, because I can’t control myself. But I’ve heard that [the Duplasses] were happy, so that’s good.  (Rule Quotes) Most fish require a short cooking time, but cephalopods are the exception to this fishy rule. As with some cuts of larger land beasts, the longer they’re cooked, the more tender they get.  (Rule Quotes) Rule a kingdom as though you were cooking a small fish - don’t overdo it  (Rule Quotes) I wholeheartedly support the aspirations of the Ukrainian people for a democratic, free and just society where the rule of law prevails without corruption or government violence directed against citizens.  (Rule Quotes) We are asking Nigerians for their cooperation. They shouldn’t expect miracles to happen a couple of months after we’ve taken over because the destruction took so many years - 16 years of the ruling party’s rule of this country.  (Rule Quotes) You may keep Turkey on the map of Europe, you may call the country by the name of Turkey if you like, but do not think you can keep up the Mahommedan rule in the country.  (Rule Quotes)
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