Rules Quotes

Text Quotes
As a DJ, people expect a certain sound and a certain danceability for the music. As a producer, I really like to let go of any rules that may exist (Rules Quotes)
Breaking the rules and challenging convention is in the DNA of every successful entrepreneur. Doing things differently and solving problems with new, innovative and fresh approaches are the very reason many start-ups are able to compete and sometimes outpace the established market leaders (Rules Quotes)
I was immediately swept up in Ariane’s story. Equal parts thrill-ride and love story, The Rules is intense and emotional. This book stays with you long after you finish (Rules Quotes)
I respond very well to rules. If there are certain parameters it’s much easier to do something really good. Especially when readers know what those are. They know what to expect and then you have to wrong-foot them. That is the trick of crime fiction. And readers come to crime and graphic novels wanting to be entertained, or disgusted (Rules Quotes)
Religion is the rules, regulations, ceremonies and rituals developed by man to create conformity and uniformity in the approach to God. Spirituality is God’s call in your soul (Rules Quotes)
There are no term limits on His reign. He has always been King and He always will be King. There is no death that threatens the perpetuity of His sovereign authority. There is no usurping of power by a lesser rival to His throne. There are no coups, no revolutions (at least, none that succeed). There is no threat of impeachment. He is a King who rules eternally (Rules Quotes)
You know, I hate to borrow Apple’s tag, but think different. Really. From the very beginning. I didn’t know what the fast-food rules were. I got my training at the Culinary Institute Of America, and then I opened up a fast food place according to fine dining rules (Rules Quotes)
True feminine beauty is not a complicated formula involving hundreds of rules to remember. It is not something that requires spending two years at finishing school or being groomed as a beauty pageant queen. It is the natural byproduct of a young woman who has emptied herself, given up her own life, and allowed God’s Spirit complete access to every dimension of her inner and outer life (Rules Quotes)
For Christian faith not to be idle in the world, the work of doctors and garbage collectors, business executives and artists, stay-at-home moms or dads and scientists needs to be inserted into Gods story with the world. That story needs to provide the most basic rules by which the game in all these spheres is played (Rules Quotes)
Tantric Zen is more suited for this age that we live in. It give you rules, but in a gentle way. It’s not as demanding (Rules Quotes)
I don’t have any rules, because I would only be breaking them, so it’s a waste of time (Rules Quotes)
I don’t fix anybody, because I don’t think anybody’s broken. I think what people have are patterns, and those can be changed. People quickly understand that what’s controlling their thoughts and emotions are their values and rules, and they learn how to shift those (Rules Quotes)
I really never break the rules. I’m not scared to say what I think or if I really disagree with something then I’ll say it, but I’m not kind of like a born rebel (Rules Quotes)
We’re creating a different universe with different rules and a different tone and different villains. We were very careful to honor the iconography of Spider-Man, but we wanted to tell it in a new and different way [in the film] (Rules Quotes)
Now that the steam engine rules the world, a title is an absurdity, still I am all dressed up in this title. It will crush me if Ido not support it. The title attracts attention to myself (Rules Quotes)
Me, rule? Me, place the State under my law, when my feeble reason no longer rules even myself! (Rules Quotes)
Internationalism means that we can see into the dark corners of the world, and hold those companies to account when they are devastating forests or employing children as bonded labour. Globalization is the complete opposite, its rules pit country against country and workers against workers in the blinkered pursuit of international competitiveness (Rules Quotes)
If the national security is involved, anything goes. There are no rules. There are people so lacking in roots about what is properand what is improper that they don’t know there’s anything wrong in breaking into the headquarters of the opposition party (Rules Quotes)
Yesterday the IRS announced that obese Americans are entitled to certain tax breaks. Apparently, under the new rules, you’re allowed to claim two or more chins as dependents (Rules Quotes)
Parents who are cowed by temper tantrums and screaming defiance are only inviting more of the same. Young children become more cooperative with parents who confidently assert the reasons for their demands and enforce reasonable rules. Even if there are a few rough spots, relationships between parents and young children run more smoothly when the parent, rather than the child, is in control (Rules Quotes)
Break the rules. Be a fighter. Any dream is possible if you are brave enough to do it YOUR way (Rules Quotes)
It’s a rough and tumble game whenever power is involved - people’s ambitions, their desires, their competitive spirit will often push them to play outside the rules. It’s dramatic, it’s interesting, and I think it’s something we can all identify with to a degree (Rules Quotes)
Let me be absolutely clear: I think it is defeatist to sort of say we want to leave the European Union. We’re going to try and change the rules and change the way it works and change the objectives that it has in order to make it something that works for Britain (Rules Quotes)
The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed, beginning as the smallest of seeds but growing until the birds of the air make their nests therein. There are old worlds and new ones. There are earthy worlds and cyber worlds. But one truth remains the same now and forever, that Jesus rules them all (Rules Quotes)
The word passive does a disservice to investors considering their options. Indexing provides an effective means of owning the market and allows investors to participate in the returns of a basket of stocks. The basket of stocks changes over time as stocks are added or removed based on its rules (Rules Quotes)
Experience will guide us to the rules. You cannot make rules precede practical experience (Rules Quotes)
The meaning of self-esteem is to feel lovable and capable. As parents, we must love our children unconditionally and give them a sense of being nurtured. That’s the lovable part. Then, we must provide structure - rules, boundaries, daily or weekly household tasks that give them a sense they are making a contribution. That’s what helps kids grow up feeling capable (Rules Quotes)
I lived in Saudi Arabia in the late 1970s. It was, for a Westerner, pretty idyllic. There were the religious police; there were the rules; there were the prayer times. But it was as if we were existing in two separate universes. The Westerners were just allowed to get on with their way of life (Rules Quotes)
These public-private partnerships are very, very dangerous. The most rotten part of the financial system in the US consisted of the government sponsored entities. They really kicked off this crisis. The state should set the rules and enforce them but not become involved as a market player (Rules Quotes)
I really am passionate about making low-budget movies. You can try new stuff and unusual stuff, and you can break the rules (Rules Quotes)