Rules Quotes

Text Quotes
Mr. Romney is quick to uphold rules great and small. During primary debates, when his rivals spoke out of turn or exceeded their allotted time, he would sometimes lecture them. When supporters ask Mr. Romney to sign dollar bills or American flags, he refuses and often gives them a little lesson about why doing so is against the law (Rules Quotes)
Fame is really strange. One day you’re not famous, and then the next day you are, and the odd thing is that you know intellectually that nothing in the world is different. What mattered to you yesterday are the same things that matter today, and the rules all still apply - yet everyone looks at you differently (Rules Quotes)
How much energy is wasted in Italy in trying to write the novel that obeys all the rules. The energy might have been useful to provide us with more modest, more genuine things, that had less pretensions: short stories, memoirs, notes, testimonials, or at any rate, books that are open, without a preconceived plan (Rules Quotes)
Everything that works on the Internet depends on a lot of people collaborating, but there’s also these rules that you see across all the really successful platforms. Many, many, many more people consume the information or benefit from the information than actually contribute the information (Rules Quotes)
The Security Council represents the situation from 1945 - you had the Allies who won the war who occupied that. The defeated guys - the Germans and Japan - were out. The occupied countries had no voice. That was fine in 45, but today, Germany rules Europe, frankly. They are driving Europe but have no voice (Rules Quotes)
There is no society that protects freedom of religion more than secular democracies, because in societies where one religion rules, different viewpoints will be labelled as heresy and blasphemy. Why? Because the society is built on religion - not freedom for all points of view (Rules Quotes)
There are rules and laws to help ensure our physical safety. Likewise, the Lord has provided guidelines and commandments to help ensure our spiritual safety so that we might successfully navigate this often-treachero us mortal existence and return eventually to our Heavenly Father (Rules Quotes)
Within two weeks of moving into the White House, Obama signed a series of executive orders championed by union bosses. The new rules authorized sweeping powers for the labor secretary that essentially blackball nonunion contractors targeted by labor organizers and blacklist nonunion employees in the private sector from working on taxpayer-funded projects (Rules Quotes)
However, you do need rules. Driving on the left (or the right or, in parts of Europe, on the left and the right as the mood takes you) is a rule which works, since following it means you’re more likely to reach your intended rather than your final destination (Rules Quotes)
Part of writing is discovering the rules of the game and then deciding whether to follow the rules or to break them. The great thing about the game of poetry is that it’s always your turn - I guess that goes back to my being an only child. So once it’s under way, there is a sense of flow (Rules Quotes)
I’m a terrible sentence finisher. I think that’s why I’m a songwriter. When you write a song, there are no rules, and I think that I talk as if there are no rules. But then I run this great risk of no one understanding me at all (Rules Quotes)
I feel like it’s a good time to be a writer. I’m terminally optimistic. It seems like the publishing industry is in the middle of a big transition, and that the rules of the game are still sorting themselves out (Rules Quotes)
One of the absolute rules I learned in the war was, don’t know anything you don’t need to know, because if you ever get caught they will get it out of you (Rules Quotes)
It’s much better to have rules that we can actually live within. And absolute prohibitions, generally, are not the kind of rules that countries would live within (Rules Quotes)
I remember the absolute, joyous freedom I felt when I first went to college: I had no bedtime, no curfew, no rules - I loved it. I was in charge. I couldn’t believe I didn’t have to answer to anyone (Rules Quotes)
Only children simply accept the fact that their parents have the right to make choices for them. Even disobedient children never question the fact that their parents have that right. They may choose to flout the rules, but they don’t question their parents’ right to make those rules (Rules Quotes)
The rules and principles of case law have never been treated as final truths but as working hypotheses, continually retested in those great laboratories of the law, the courts of justice. Every new case is an experiment, and if the accepted rule which seems applicable yields a result which is felt to be unjust, the rule is reconsidered (Rules Quotes)
To be in a band, at least according to the rules of rock in the 1970s, one must know how to play an instrument. But rather than waste time solving that problem, No Wavers ignored it. The point was simply to make music, not to learn how first (Rules Quotes)
The impossible - we are told - cannot be achieved. To overcome the ‘impossible,’ we need to use our wits and be fearless. We need to break the rules and to circumvent - some would one say to cheat (Rules Quotes)
One of the rules about being an actor or an actress is that you never diss other actors or actresses, particularly when you don’t know them. (Rules Quotes)
Realistic novels simply pretend that the rules of their invented worlds are identical to the rules of actual life, but that’s a ruse. (Rules Quotes)
If people are going to do post-publication peer review, they need to abide by the same rules as they abide by for pre-publication peer review: not being ad hominem, being respectful, giving the author a chance to respond in a reasonable way. (Rules Quotes)
There’s a growing sense that the online ad industry is out of control from a privacy perspective and that some rules need to be put in place. (Rules Quotes)
Under all the usual rules of interpretation, in short, the Government should lose this case. But normal rules of interpretation seem always to yield to the overriding principle of the present Court: The Affordable Care Act must be saved. (Rules Quotes)
I think people need to see Prince live to really understand how remarkable he is. He has always been inspiring because he is never afraid to break rules or barriers or invent something new - and if you love fashion, then you need to be able to do that. (Rules Quotes)
Well, it is true that they did - the Pentagon did impose rules for governing the handling of the Koran in January of 2003, after there had been complaints about the handling of the Koran from detainees, from the International Red Cross. (Rules Quotes)
Doing difficult things like passing marriage equality, passing the Dream Act, doing common sense things that allow new American immigrants to fully participate, pay their taxes, play by the rules and take care of their families. That’s the inclusive America that I believe all of us want to move to. (Rules Quotes)
I love anyone who breaks the rules, and musicians always break the rules - in an aggressive way (Rules Quotes)
I never took part in the rules and hatred that sometimes go along with religion. But if my parents are happy with what they believe, then I’m happy to stay out of their way. We agree to disagree. (Rules Quotes)
My look is relaxed, and while I love fashion, I don’t obsess about it. I don’t have set rules when it comes to dressing, and I don’t mind where my clothes are from. (Rules Quotes)