Rumi Quotes

Text Quotes
The more one delves into Rumi’s life and his mystical poetry it becomes clear that for him, the issue of faith and reason is incomplete unless one includes the central theme of love. (Rumi Quotes)
That which is false troubles the heart, but truth brings joyous tranquillity (Rumi Quotes)
When a man makes up a story for his child, he becomes a father and a child together, listening (Rumi Quotes)
The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along. (Rumi Quotes)
Beauty is the garden scent of roses, murmuring water flowing gently...Can words describe the indescribable? (Rumi Quotes)
The morning wind spreads its fresh smell. We must get up and take that in, that wind that lets us live. Breathe before it’s gone. (Rumi Quotes)
There is nothing I want but your presence.In friendship, time dissolves.Life is a cup. This connectionis pure wine. What else are cups for?I used to have twenty thousanddifferent desires. (Rumi Quotes)
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field.I’ll meet you there.When the soul lies down in that grassthe world is too full to talk about. (Rumi Quotes)
This world’s existence is one night long. There’s a great lively gathering that night, but some people sleep through it. (Rumi Quotes)
And don’t think the garden loses its ecstasy in winter. It’s quiet, but the roots are down there riotous. (Rumi Quotes)
Let’s get away from all the clever humans who put words in our mouth let’s only say what our hearts desire. (Rumi Quotes)
A warm, rainy day-this is how it feels when friends get together. Friend refreshes friend then, as flowers do each others, in a spring rain. (Rumi Quotes)
Plant the love of the holy ones within your spirit; don’t give your heart to anything, but the love of those whose hearts are glad. (Rumi Quotes)
Yesterday was glory and joy. Today, a blackened burn everywhere. On the record of my life, these two days will be put down as one (Rumi Quotes)
Whether you love God or you love a human being, if you love enough you will come into the presence of Love itself. (Rumi Quotes)
O, Great Spirit, open my eyes, open heart’s wings, open my ears to your voice in all things (Rumi Quotes)
Peaceful is the one who’s not concerned with having more or less.Unbound by name and fame, he is free from sorrow from the world and mostly from himself. (Rumi Quotes)
A lover’s life lies in death. You shall not find a heart without losing the heart. (Rumi Quotes)
In the sea of love, I melt like salt Faith, Doubt - they both dissolve. A star is opening in my heart . The worlds turn in it. (Rumi Quotes)
There’s no cure, except the retreat into love, For the suffering of subtly afflicted hearts (Rumi Quotes)
Your legs will get heavy and tired. Then comes a moment of feeling the wings you’ve grown, lifting. (Rumi Quotes)
Water, stories, the body, all the things we do, are mediums that hid and show what’s hidden (Rumi Quotes)
A seeker of Truth looks beyond the apparent and contemplates the hidden (Rumi Quotes)
Let the beauty of what you love be what you do (Rumi Quotes)
Love rests on no foundation. It is an endless ocean, with no beginning or end (Rumi Quotes)
Intelligence is the shadow of objective truth. How can the shadow vie with sunshine? (Rumi Quotes)
Forget the future. I’d worship someone who could do that (Rumi Quotes)
There is only one search: wandering... no dogma and no heresy (Rumi Quotes)
Clean out your ears, don’t listen for what you already know (Rumi Quotes)
You don’t live on the earth, you are passing through it (Rumi Quotes)