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Runaways Quotes

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How do I stay so healthy and boyishly handsome? It’s simple. I drink the blood of young runaways  (Runaways Quotes) I went to do Eclipse right after The Runaways, and I think the director of that movie might have said to another cast member that he had to beat the Joan Jett out of me  (Runaways Quotes) I think we were promoting New Moon just as I was finishing The Runaways, and I remember going to Comic-Con with a Minor Threat T-shirt on. I was really happy and excited to be there, but I was so defensive and crazy  (Runaways Quotes) How do I stay so healthy and boyishly handsome? It’s simple. I drink the blood of young runaways.  (Runaways Quotes) On the way, a great many demanded it, read it, and passed on. Those having the air and appearance of gentlemen, whose dress indicated the possession of wealth, frequently took no notice of me whatever; but a shabby fellow, an unmistakable loafer, never failed to hail me, and to scrutinize and examine me in the most thorough manner. Catching runaways is sometimes a money-making business.  (Runaways Quotes)