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Life can make you do many things, even kiss a man with a runny nose  (Runny Quotes) My love of soft, runny cheese - it’s impossible to resist  (Runny Quotes) As if goaded by a kind of frantic despair, I sketched these dirty, ragged little victims of the war with their bruised, lacerated minds and bodies, their matted hair and runny noses. Here my life as a painter began in earnest  (Runny Quotes) I refuse to eat a fried egg if the white is still runny or transparent. I really can’t be doing it. I always have to flip it over  (Runny Quotes) Roll the weed up Somebody turn the beat up While I continue to spit relax and kick yo feet up Mac game so cold make yo nose runny Mac game so cold takin’ hoes money  (Runny Quotes)