Rupert Grint Quotes
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Text Quotes
Being famous is wicked, but being normal is better (Rupert Grint Quotes)
So yes, I do want to try and keep things going if I can. I have a few things brewing And if it doesn’t happen, I did buy an ice cream van a while ago. So I always have that to fall back on (Rupert Grint Quotes)
I was really nervous. Even when I left the audition I was nervous (Rupert Grint Quotes)
But I like all the books. You’ve got to read them all to get the complete Harry Potter experience (Rupert Grint Quotes)
The most challenging scene for me was the spider scene, because I don’t like spiders in real life. Even rubber ones I get really scared of (Rupert Grint Quotes)
My favorite scene in this film was the flying car, because that was just wicked (Rupert Grint Quotes)
I’ve tried to have a really normal life, and I have because my family treats me normal, and my friends treat me just the same (Rupert Grint Quotes)
Like one time I was a fish in Noah’s Ark and now I’m in Harry Potter, a big step (Rupert Grint Quotes)
I especially like Ron. Sometimes you feel so sorry for him because he’s always getting stuff from his brothers. And he’s got a fat, lazy rat (Rupert Grint Quotes)
It’s going to be really weird to know that people are going to actually know my name, that’s going to be strange (Rupert Grint Quotes)
I’ve known Emma Watson since she was 9, we’ve watched each other grow up, formed this sort of brother/sister bond, and suddenly I’m leaning in to kiss her. Well, it felt completely wrong... but, you know, you try to sink into the character and divorce yourself from it. We ended up laughing hysterically afterwards (Rupert Grint Quotes)
It’s always at the back of my mind that acting might come to an end for me when Harry Potter finishes. I don’t know if I’m good enough to have a long career. I’ve got a bit of an inferiority complex about my acting. My self-esteem is quite low in that sense (Rupert Grint Quotes)
It’s not that I find it hard to meet girls - they do come up and chat me up from time to time. Sometimes I’m interested, I tend not to go for the prettier ones. I prefer the quirkier types (Rupert Grint Quotes)
They were just kind of simultaneous - the film ending and the sets being destroyed. I was struck the first time I saw the Great Hall become a big pile of burning rubble and getting scattered around. It’s really quite shocking for the fans (Rupert Grint Quotes)
The truth is that Ron is my hero. He’s always there for his friends - sometimes belligerently, but there nevertheless. He’s also the comic relief in stressful situations; the funny guy with a great one-liner. And no matter how scared he may be, he will put aside his fears to support and protect the people he loves. To me, that represents true courage (Rupert Grint Quotes)
Before I knew there was going to be a film. I was the biggest Harry Potter fan. I read all the books (Rupert Grint Quotes)
I’ve never fancied that footballer lifestyle. I suppose I could live that kind of flash life. People stereotype child actors and kind of expect you to go off the rails a bit, be a bit crazy, but that’s not really happened yet. I’ve got a big family so that helps, and they live really close to the studios so it’s just so much easier. (Rupert Grint Quotes)
People recognize me, call me Ron, and ask me questions. It’s really cool and weird as well. (Rupert Grint Quotes)
I especially like Ron. Sometimes you feel so sorry for him because he’s always getting stuff from his brothers. And he’s got a fat, lazy rat. (Rupert Grint Quotes)
Ron was always my favorite character, because I feel like I relate to him, like we’ve both got red hair, we both like sweets, we’ve both got lots of brothers and sisters. (Rupert Grint Quotes)
For me the stunts are so cool, they’re one of my favourite things when we’re doing the film. (Rupert Grint Quotes)
I would date a fan, I don’t have a problem with that. I look for a good sense of humour in a girlfriend. (Rupert Grint Quotes)
But I like all the books. You’ve got to read them all to get the complete Harry Potter experience. (Rupert Grint Quotes)
Being famous is wicked. But it's better to be normal (Rupert Grint Quotes)
The characters in the book grow up with us. My voice has broken as well (Rupert Grint Quotes)
I always wanted to go into acting (Rupert Grint Quotes)
I’d like to levitate (Rupert Grint Quotes)
Being famous is wicked but its cool to be normal as well (Rupert Grint Quotes)
Yeah, my parents help me keep my feet on the ground (Rupert Grint Quotes)
Well one of the times I did a stunt was in the devil’s snare room and they lifted me up on a harness and a safety rope really, really high, and they just dropped me down into the devil’s snare (Rupert Grint Quotes)
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