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Rupert Quotes

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Dan Radcliffe and Rupert Grint to me are like a pair of warm-hearted brothers  (Rupert Quotes) Rupert Murdoch is a good friend of mine  (Rupert Quotes) This is our siblings of more famous BookWorld Personalities self-help group expalined Loser (Gatsby). That's Sharon Eyre, the younger and wholly disreputable sister of Jane; Roger Yossarian, the draft dodger and coward; Rupert Bond, still a virgin and can't keep a secret; Tracy Capulet, who has slept her way round Verona twice; and Nancy Potter, who is a Muggle  (Rupert Quotes) I love it when mothers get so mad they can't remember your name. Come here, Roy, er, Rupert, er, Rutabaga... What is your name, boy? And don't lie to me, because you live here, and I'll find out who you are  (Rupert Quotes) I was proud to call Dr Rupert a friend. He was always a wonderful source of support and kindness  (Rupert Quotes) There is actually a great book called Prima Donna by Rupert -Christiansen that deconstructs the myth. In fact, many of the women who were prima donnas were feminists and incredible forces for their time  (Rupert Quotes) So you can imagine what happens when a mainland species gets introduced to an island. It would be like introducing Al Capone, Genghis Khan and Rupert Murdoch into the Isle of Wight - the locals wouldn’t stand a chance.  (Rupert Quotes) Al Qaeda really hurt us, but not as much as Rupert Murdoch has hurt us, particularly in the case of Fox News. Fox News is worse than Al Qaeda - worse for our society. It’s as dangerous as the Ku Klux Klan ever was.  (Rupert Quotes) As an audience member, I like watching Rupert as an actor when he’s most playful, ... I think Rupert is really adept at comedy I think that’s where his strength lies.  (Rupert Quotes) Corporate America was hurling offers at her. Thinking even bigger, wanting even more, she had dreams of starting a Martha Stewart magazine and starring in her own regularly scheduled Martha Stewart television show. Martha saw herself as Betty Crocker, Julia Child, Miss Manners, Emily Post, and Rupert Murdoch all rolled into one juicy pie.  (Rupert Quotes) The rich today are richer, there are more of them, they have round-the-clock propaganda factories in Rupert Murdoch’s empire and rightwing talk radio, and corporate media have their back.  (Rupert Quotes) Steve Bannon has quoted as lamenting the fact that he predicts a Fox News that will be more centrist in the future. He came after our boss Rupert Murdoch in some unflattering terms.  (Rupert Quotes) If Rupert Murdoch wants to charge for content online, he will succeed in so far, but no further than what he provides that is unique and can’t be found anywhere. It doesn’t seem to me that if he wants to charge it will be a blow to universal freedom and liberty of mankind.  (Rupert Quotes) Berkshire’s past record has been almost ridiculous. If Berkshirehad used even half the leverage of, say, Rupert Murdoch, it would be five times its current size.  (Rupert Quotes)