Rush Limbaugh Quotes

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How could that woman [Hillary Clinton] actually be the most cheated-on woman in America? Which she is. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Marriage is about raising children. That’s the purpose of the institution. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
No matter what else is going on, Christmas is my all-time favorite period in the year. It has a positive effect on me like very little else does, seasonally, that is. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
I happen to live in reality. The name of my city is Literalville. And it makes a lot of people uncomfortable. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
In civilized society, women have the ultimate power. It’s women who say no, in civilized society. That’s what you feminists never have understood. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
After the Republican Party did everything that Colin Powell says it needs to do to grow, and nominated the very kind of candidate he wanted in 2008, what did Powell do? He endorsed Obama! So according to the Drive-Bys and David Gergen, Republicans should let somebody who campaigned and voted for Obama, tell us how to build our party. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
I’ve always wondered how in the hell we conservatives became denoted by red. That’s a commie color! It is! The liberals have always been red! (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
I remained dedicated to my desires, and it’s what enabled me to come back after being fired seven or eight times, whatever it was. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
The establishment’s gonna come together to protect themselves regardless of ideology (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
The competition is cutthroat, even among best friends. And you have to be able to, by virtue of experience, be able to deal with it. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
When you get to the rarefied air that people like Montana and Steve Young and other NFL quarterbacks are breathing, you can’t believe the competitive, the cutthroat competitive nature of things. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Everybody wants their life to mean something, whether it’s a conscious awareness or not, and that’s why I’ve always known that the way liberals sell climate change works, because they tell people it’s their fault but then they offer them redemption. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
When I hear Governor Mitt Romney in his speech talk about how the Republican Party must stand for legitimate conservative values. They don’t. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
The left are not bipartisan. Somebody give me an example of left-wing bipartisanship. They don’t even define it the way we do. Bipartisanship, as they define it, as in we cave on our core beliefs and agree with them. That is bipartisanship. There is no compromise. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Liberals measure compassion by counting the number of people receiving government help (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
It’s the end of the day where wives stay home and raise the kids and all that. That demeaning stuff? No more. Country club memberships, that’s what you shoot for! To hell with that. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
These people in the media, they may hate Donald Trump, but they cannot stop covering him (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
There is no law in the world - there is no law unwritten, there’s no law on the books - that’s gonna stop a criminal from getting a gun. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
There’s such cultural rot taking place, such a disintegration throughout our culture. Values, morality, you name it. Standards have been relaxed, and people are not being held to them. People’s intentions, if they’re said to be good and honorable, that’s all that matters. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Bill Clinton did midnight basketball. He is not looked at by this current generation of Democrats as anywhere near the hero he was back in the nineties. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
This is a great nation at terrible risk in a dangerous world, and she has fully exposed this nation and will continue to do so because of her utter incompetence and Hillary Clinton lack of care, lack of attention, lack of concern. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
This will play right into Obama’s hands. He’s humanitarian, compassionate. They’ll use this to burnish their, shall we say, ‘credibility’ with the black community -- in the both light-skinned and dark-skinned black community in this country. It’s made-to-order for them. That’s why he couldn’t wait to get out there, could not wait to get out there. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Most men would love to be stared at by women. Don’t doubt me on this. And my guess is that most women are actually intrigued by it and have developed techniques and skills for dealing with it. Don’t doubt me. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
I’ve got confidence that most people in America still have a decent sense of manners, propriety, morality. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
This woman [Hillary Clinton] is as steeped and deep inside the establishment as anybody in this campaign. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
I’m going to tell you, what’s good for al Qaeda is good for the Democratic Party in this country today. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Rights are either God-given or evolve out of the democratic process. Most rights are based on the ability of people to agree on a social contract, the ability to make and keep agreements. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
The television set’s on while the family’s sitting around having dinner or talking. Nobody’s watching TV; it’s there; they’re aware of it, but they’re not participating. That’s passive. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
There are people who disagree with the left, and that will not be tolerated. People who disagree with them, whether they are high judges, whether they are prosecutors, whether they are average ordinary every day citizens, it will not be tolerated. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Children need love and discipline. They need mothers and fathers. A welfare check is not a husband. The state is not a father. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)