Rush Limbaugh Quotes
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What better way to head off more oil drilling, nuclear plants, than by blowing up a rig? I’m just noting the timing, here (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Citizen service is a repudiation of the principles upon which our country was based. We are all here for ourselves (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
When a gay person turns his back on you, it is anything but an insult; it’s an invitation (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
The world’s biggest problem is the unequal distribution of capitalism. If there were capitalism everywhere, you wouldn’t have food shortages (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
The ocean will take care of this on its own if it was left alone and left out there. It’s natural. It’s as natural as the ocean water is (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Every liberal on the campaign trail has a plan to deliver free, socialized medicine, but no country on earth, folks, can possibly pay for every test for everybody without going bankrupt (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
It’s an expansion. And it’s a stealth mechanism to put the tentacles of socialized medicine even deeper into society (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
In the first place, bureaucracies never become efficient; they’re never going to get rid of administrative costs; they’re never going to reduce them. That’s not the purpose of bureaucracies. It’s to increase those things (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Feminists want to be treated as equals, but at the same time they want special treatment (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
It’s too easy to find people who’ve failed and are embittered. The best thing you can do is hang around people who’ve succeeded and are happy doing what you want to do. Learn from them (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
As soon as I learned what the smell of bacon was, I learned how to make it (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
When I talk to people who believe in this global warming crap... it’s fake science. They may have educations and degrees that say they are scientists, but they’re not. They’re political hacks and leftists (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Liberalism is a scourge. It destroys the human spirit. It destroys prosperity. It assigns sameness to everybody. And wherever I find it, I oppose it (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Really think hard about what you want to do, because when you’re doing what you want to do is probably when you’ll be doing your best. And pray it is not a hobby so they’ll pay you for it (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
And at some point who’s to say that you cannot have sex with a child some point (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Seriously, he is just a voice on the radio, unlike the ones in your head, you don’t have to do what he tells you to do (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Government is not capable of caring. Government gets things done through coercion. They fine, they penalize, they tax, they confiscate, they jail, they bully to get what they want (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
There’s such cultural rot taking place, such a disintegration throughout our culture. Values, morality, you name it. Standards have been relaxed, and people are not being held to them. People’s intentions, if they’re said to be good and honorable, that’s all that matters (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Canada has an immigration policy you might want to emulate. They want more skilled and educated immigrants. In fact, that’s all they take. But, see, since nobody’s watching them, and they’re not a superpower, nobody really cares. So they are allowed to act in their best interests (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
I can’t tell you the number of times in high school I was allowed to be disappointed for not making the grade; it’s a part of life. So the young students who are being taught by radical leftists in this country today are going to end up growing up in a world for which they are totally unprepared and unequipped (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
I will be the first to admit that getting votes and getting an audience are two different things. For example, a politician really can’t be elected if he’s hated by half the people. A talk show host, however, can be an overwhelming national phenomenon while being hated by half the people (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
If you’re healthy, if you don’t get sick much, if you don’t go to the doctor much or use your health insurance much, you are a genetic lottery winner. It has nothing to do with the way you live, nothing to do with doing the right things. It’s just sheer luck, and you are gonna pay for that (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Obama might think of himself as one, but he is not a dictator. We are not a banana republic yet. This is not an authoritarian form of government. This is a constitutional republic, and the president doesn’t allow or disallow. The president can’t buy or purchase (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Obamacare is not about improved health care or cheaper insurance or better treatment or insuring the uninsured, and it never has been about that. It’s about statism. It’s about expanding the government. It’s about control over the population. It is about everything but health care (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Real prosperity comes from everybody in the country working together in a growth mode. Real prosperity comes as a result of people’s own initiative and efforts and so forth. Prosperity, if it comes from the government, is not prosperity. It’s an existence or a subsistence or whatever, but it isn’t prosperity (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
The mainstream media today has the biggest disconnect with its audience that it’s ever, ever had. And as the disconnect grows and as more and more people distrust them, then the media digs in more and more and says you don’t know what you’re talking about, you don’t know how we do our jobs, you don’t know what’s important (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
There are many lessons people can learn about the left. One of the key lessons is they never give anything up. Once they begin a quest, they don’t stop until they’ve got it. The other thing that you need to learn is, they’re never happy even after they succeed. They are never happy because there can never be enough to satisfy them (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
When you talk about change, you know what makes it really tough for people is on the one hand you’ve got tradition, and on the other hand you’ve got change; in many people’s mind, change equals modernization. Tradition, however. I’m a big tradition guy (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Young people have this almost romantic attachment to civil rights, liberties, emancipating people from oppression, etc. The idea that such oppression exists in this country offends me, but it’s able to be pushed and sold because education in this country is so woefully incompetent and inept (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Most of the reasons people think they can’t do something are reasons they’ve created. Everything you do is up to you. Part of life is realizing that you have much more potential and ability than you’d ever know. However, it is up to you to reach inside, face the fears, and unleash that which really drives you (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)