Rush Limbaugh Quotes

Text Quotes
There’s one reason why [Presidents’ Day] is a holiday. It had nothing to do with our country deciding that we wanted to show reverence for our presidents, Lincoln, Washington, or all of them. Nothing to do with that. The ski industry wanted a three-day weekend (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
The culture war is between the winners and those who think they’re losers who want to become winners. The losers think the only way they can become winners is by banding together all the losers and them empowering a leader of the losers to make things right for them (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
The real issue, as far as Democrats are concerned, is the number of people receiving something from the government. This is exactly what Franklin Delano Roosevelt had in mind when he created this monster. And Clinton is planning to expand it beyond Roosevelt’s wildest dreams (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
I don’t know whether to admit it or not. You think I should tell them, Snerdley? Okay. Folks, some good friends of mine who live here in Palm Beach bought a Smart Car... and there’s a picture of me in it (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
I go back and forth as to whether I think Nancy Pelosi’s really this dumb or not. Although, every time I hear her speak I get closer and closer to concluding that she is this dumb (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Would you pull the lever for yourself, Ben Affleck? What has Barack Obama meant to your movie career, Ben? (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Most of my critics don’t even listen to me; they are clueless. They just go to Web sites that report what I say out of context (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Kids are told there are no differences between boys and girls. They are told there is no such thing ultimately as right and wrong. Values are relative. Truth is relative. Morality is defined by individual choice. If that isn’t a recipe for sexual harassment and other forms of sexual and physical abuse, I don’t know what it is (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
The Constitution limits the role of government. The Constitution enumerates the freedoms of the people and enforces those freedoms against government, making sure government cannot encroach (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
You find them [leftists] everywhere now. They have moved in and corrupted everything, and they’ve done it by intimidating anybody who might oppose them. They succeed in getting away with calling people racists (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
The Democrats are incapable of even being accused of violating political correctness, so they don’t even worry about it. The Democrats have really grown accustomed, however, to Republicans not attacking, not criticizing them (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
John Silber said the single longest reference he could find to Abraham Lincoln [in Howard Zinn’s History of America ] was two paragraphs. That was Howard Zinn. Would you like to hear how Ronaldus Magnus is portrayed? (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Diversity for diversity’s sake is nothing more than affirmative action and can make no claim to being part of America’s greatness. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
No Republicans won the White House since the Jurassic age without winning Ohio. But for the Democrats, it doesn’t matter. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
The Supreme Court has never ruled that the children of illegal aliens are American citizens (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
When a nominee for the Supreme Court, one of only nine lifetime appointments, makes an overtly brazen racist comment about tens of millions of American citizens, we don’t need lectures. What we need to do is to confront her with what she said and what it says about her. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
The whole idea of the first female president is not nearly as momentous or exciting as the first African-American. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Oh, look at this. NBC/Wall Street Journal: Thirty-eight percent of the American people say [Donald] Trump’s comments about women disqualify him from being president. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Democrats don’t have reasons for people to vote for them. They’re just trying to gin up anger and resentment for their opposition. And it’s just not working anymore. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
[People] feel a connection to a guy like Omar Mateen. But they clearly are not angry at him. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
I wouldn’t want to spend every waking hour asking people for money. A, I can’t do it, it’s just not my nature. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
The idea of going back to college scares me, and I didn’t even go. I went to college for one year, two semesters. If you add up the total time, I probably didn’t even go one semester. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
I go back to Robert Reich and his appearance on [George] Stephanopoulos’ show. The Democrat Party has not been in this bad a shape since the 1920s. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Leftists don’t leave it at winning at the ballot box. If they lose at the ballot box, they force themselves on the country or society elsewhere. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Obama might think of himself as one, but he is not a dictator. We are not a banana republic yet. This is not an authoritarian form of government. This is a constitutional republic, and the president doesn’t allow or disallow. The president can’t buy or purchase. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Barack Obama and the Democrat Party convince people that America’s best days are over (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Forget about being comfortable at school if you’re straight, if you’re conservative, if you’re Christian. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
I will be the first to admit that getting votes and getting an audience are two different things. For example, a politician really can’t be elected if he’s hated by half the people. A talk show host, however, can be an overwhelming national phenomenon while being hated by half the people. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
Mitt Romney, maybe the most moral and decent man who’s ever run for president, ended up being a murderer, somebody who didn’t care about animals, and a tax cheat. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)
I can’t tell you the number of times in high school I was allowed to be disappointed for not making the grade; it’s a part of life. So the young students who are being taught by radical leftists in this country today are going to end up growing up in a world for which they are totally unprepared and unequipped. (Rush Limbaugh Quotes)