Rush Quotes

Text Quotes
It’s the adrenaline rush you only get from being in front of an audience. It’s addictive. (Rush Quotes)
I’ve tried everything other than jumping out of a plane, but nothing gives you an adrenaline rush like racing a car. (Rush Quotes)
I’ve got a great life that I really enjoy. But there is something chewing at me inside: that adrenaline rush from football, I miss that. (Rush Quotes)
In baseball, it’s tough to get up for every single game, every single moment. In football, you have 90,000 fans screaming and the band’s playing. I do miss that adrenaline rush. (Rush Quotes)
It’s not bad to stand in front of 20,000 people and sing. It’s nerve-racking, a huge adrenaline rush, but it’s also very exciting, and not many people get to experience that. It’s pretty special. (Rush Quotes)
You’re in front of an audience, but you’re playing for a camera. There’s this huge adrenaline rush, because you know that besides the audience in the studio, there are millions of people watching at home. (Rush Quotes)
I like the sprints so much because it’s very explosive, very aggressive, and quite physical sometimes as well. On top of that you’ve got the speed, so it’s a big adrenaline rush coming into the sprints all the time. I love that bit! (Rush Quotes)
Ever notice how your senses are heightened when you are in challenging situations? You’re experiencing an adrenaline rush that gives you extra energy. If you see every day as a challenge, you’d be surprised how efficient you can become, and how much can be accomplished. (Rush Quotes)
I get an adrenaline rush from playing with the big boys. I consider myself a tomboy and was an athlete in high school, so I like to talk shop anyway. But it’s fun to actually get paid to cover the NFL with all these incredible former players and sports anchors. (Rush Quotes)
In a culture of electronic violence, images that once caused us to empathize with the pain and trauma of another human being, excite a momentary adrenaline rush. To be numb to another’s pain - to be acculturated to violence - is one of the worst consequences our technological advances. That indifference transfers from the screen, TV, film, Internet, and electronic games to our everyday lives. (Rush Quotes)
I’m a lot like my dad: a little bit of a daredevil. I like an adrenaline rush. (Rush Quotes)
I just thought it would be a fun rush of adrenaline to jump out of a plane three times (Rush Quotes)
I don’t go to war for the adrenaline rush. I cover wars because that’s what I’ve ended up doing. (Rush Quotes)
We start eating, watch television, surf the Internet, or go shopping and buy something. That gives us a rush of feeling, some adrenaline and excitement. (Rush Quotes)
Boxing’s a rough sport. After every fight I rush to the mirror to make sure I’m presentable. (Rush Quotes)
I still get the feeling I got when I started, that’s why I’m still doing it after all these years, I still get that full adrenalin rush before I compete. (Rush Quotes)
I always enjoy listening to Rush Limbaugh. I often agree with him. Sometimes I disagree with him. (Rush Quotes)
There’s an amazing intimate feeling in a small club but an insane rush playing a stadium or festival. (Rush Quotes)
We know there are certain chemicals that are designed to give us a rush of pleasure. But, one of the most amazing things about being human is our capacity to override that pleasure. To either say, ‘I don’t need that pleasure right now. I’m going to ignore the craving.’ Or to find something else that we find a deeper sense of reward from. (Rush Quotes)
People appear like angels until you hear them speak. You must not rush to judge people by the colour of their cloaks, but by the content of their words! (Rush Quotes)
Rush of pine scent (once upon a time),the unlicensed convictionthere ought to be another wayof sayingthis. (Rush Quotes)
There’s nothing like the endorphins from being fit, and the incredible endorphin rush that goes with that. It beats drugs, drink, and almost anything else I know. (Rush Quotes)
I’ve learned over the years to appreciate God’s timing, and you can’t rush things; it’s gonna happen exactly when it’s supposed to. (Rush Quotes)
If you don’t feel like you’re ready to get your license - just because people are putting pressure on you, don’t feel like you have to rush into something. Take your time, really feel confident and be ready. It doesn’t matter what other people say, do what’s best for you and makes you feel safe. (Rush Quotes)
Scotland forms a crucial part of our Armed Forces which should not be jeopardised by rushed cuts or a rush to the exit from the U.K. Defence jobs are vital to the Scottish economy and yet independence puts thousands of jobs at risk. (Rush Quotes)
I was on the improv team in high school, and after I graduated, I joined an improv company that had been established 10 years prior to me getting there. They did longform improv, and I fell in love with it. It’s acting, character creation, collaborative, artistic expression and comedy - and it’s scary. It was a big rush. (Rush Quotes)
I feel that I’m more of a speed player, being able to rush the edge with a lot of speed coming around the corner. But I also have the athletic ability to cover and play in space. (Rush Quotes)
Let us suppose, that the Old and New worlds were formerly but one continent, and that, by a violent earthquake, the ancient Atalantis [sic] of Plato was sunk ... The sea would necessarily rush in from all quarters, and form what is now called the Atlantic ocean. (Rush Quotes)
I was still an avid reader of Mills and Boon romances - on publication day, I used to rush out of work to get to the local book store to grab my favourites before they all disappeared. (Rush Quotes)
Bitcoins are not a real investment; they are bets inside a casino. If the price goes back up, don’t be fooled. In the parlance of popping investment bubbles, it’s something called a ‘dead-cat bounce.’ People who are desperate to keep the game going rush back in, hoping to bring the price back up, but it never lasts. (Rush Quotes)