Rush Quotes

Text Quotes
Life is too short to rush around and be too busy for your kids (Rush Quotes)
Perceptions change with time and you can’t rush it, in my judgment (Rush Quotes)
In making love or a film, don’t rush through (Rush Quotes)
Take your time. There’s no rush to be good or renowned. (Rush Quotes)
We have been trying to apply machine-age methods to our relations with God. We read our chapter, have our short devotions and rush away, hoping to make up for our deep inward bankruptcy by attending another gospel meeting or listening to another thrilling story told by a religious adventurer lately returned from afar (Rush Quotes)
Rock and Roll adolescent hoodlums storm the streets of all nations. They rush into the Louvre and throw acid in the Mona Lisa's face (Rush Quotes)
The end of the world might be near, Isador said to her once, but we don't have to rush to reach it (Rush Quotes)
Is it sin to rush into the secret house of death, ere death dare come to us? (Rush Quotes)
Everybody today seems to be in such a terrible rush, anxious for greater developments and greater riches and so on, so that children have very little time for their parents. Parents have very little time for each other, and in the home begins the disruption of peace of the world (Rush Quotes)
I would love to make a real jazz album someday because I never have. But that's something I'm not in a rush to do (Rush Quotes)
There is no beast, no rush of fire, like woman so untamed. She calmly goes her way where even panthers would be shamed. Women: and yet you are fool enough, it seems, to dare to war with me, when for your faithful ally you might win me easily (Rush Quotes)
With the knowledge of her aloneness came a rush of self-declaration: I will not be nothing (Rush Quotes)
The passions refuse to be organized on a basis of their own; hostile to personal freedom and one another, they rush precipitately into anarchy and mob rule (Rush Quotes)
... the washing machine's rhythm was like a giant heartbeat, and the rush of its waters was what the unborn hear - our last memory of peace (Rush Quotes)
And I knew that I loved him with more than a nod. I loved him with a rush of tenderness, a lion's share. (Is that ever enough?) I wanted to survive. I had to. I never called (Rush Quotes)
Too many girl rush into relationships because of the fear of being single, then start making compromises and losing their identity. Don't do that (Rush Quotes)
What we mean is that people may go on, keep on, and rush on, without souls. They have their ego and their will, that is enough to keep them going (Rush Quotes)
Who ever keeps an open ear For tattlers, will be sure to hear the trumpet of contention; aspersion is the babbler's trade, to listen is to lend him aid, and rush into dissension (Rush Quotes)
We need not join the mad rush to purchase an Earthly fallout shelter. God is our eternal fallout shelter (Rush Quotes)
The soul is not well when we rush so much. If it does not get the rest it needs, it becomes fatigued (Rush Quotes)
We have what we seek. We don't have to rush after it. It was there all the time, and if we give it time it will make itself known to us (Rush Quotes)
It was spring, the part of spring where the bursting is done, the held in pressures of desiccated sap veins and gum sealed buds are gone, and all the world's in a rush to be beautiful (Rush Quotes)
Years ago we discovered the exact point, the dead center of middle age. It occurs when you are too young to take up golf and too old to rush to the net (Rush Quotes)
You cannot, in human experience, rush into the light. You have to go through the twilight into the broadening day before the noon comes and the full sun is upon the landscape (Rush Quotes)
The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us, and we see nothing but sand; the angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone (Rush Quotes)
Noise, crowding, pollution, and the sheer rush of our complex, modern society are rapidly becoming as oppressive to many individuals as the worst kind of political dictatorship (Rush Quotes)
Emulation hath a thousand sons, that one by one pursue; if you give way, or edge aside from the direct forthright, like to an entered tide, they all rush by, and leave you hindmost (Rush Quotes)
The better a work is, the more it attracts criticism; it is like the fleas who rush to jump on white linens (Rush Quotes)
For a nation which has an almost evil reputation for bustle, bustle, bustle, and rush, rush, rush, we spend an enormous amount of time standing around in line in front of windows, just waiting (Rush Quotes)
Nothing makes a man feel older than to hear a band coming up the street and not to have the impulse to rush downstairs and out on to the sidewalk (Rush Quotes)