Ruskin Bond Quotes

Text Quotes
The more you write, the better you will write! So - keep at it! (Ruskin Bond Quotes)
I don’t travel so much now, I get tired (Ruskin Bond Quotes)
I never break my journey at Deoli but I pass through as often as I can (Ruskin Bond Quotes)
...for everytime I see the sky I’m aware of belonging to the universe than to just one corner of the earth. (Ruskin Bond Quotes)
There is money to be made in the market place, but under the cherry tree there is rest (Ruskin Bond Quotes)
I mostly write short stories. They are best written in a continuous creative process. You have a feel of immediacy. (Ruskin Bond Quotes)
I am a storyteller from a personal viewpoint. When I run out of people I invent ghosts. I don’t believe in ghosts. Never saw one. (Ruskin Bond Quotes)
And when all the wars are over, a butterfly will still be beautiful (Ruskin Bond Quotes)
The past is always with us, for it feeds the present (Ruskin Bond Quotes)
Happiness is a mysterious thing, to be found somewhere between too little and too much (Ruskin Bond Quotes)
But the trees seemed to know me. They whispered among themselves and beckoned me nearer (Ruskin Bond Quotes)
Yesterday, I was sad, tomorrow I may be sad again, but today I know that I am happy. I want to live on and on, delighting like a pagan in all that is physical; and I know that this one lifetime, however long, cannot satisfy my heart (Ruskin Bond Quotes)
It’s courage, not luck, that takes us through to the end of the road (Ruskin Bond Quotes)
I have come to believe that the best kind of walk, or journey, is the one in which you have no particular destination when you set out (Ruskin Bond Quotes)
Live long, my friend, be wise and strong. But do not from any man his song (Ruskin Bond Quotes)
I... allowed my memory to journey back to the days when I was a boy of ten, full of health and optimism, when my wonder at the great game of living had yet to give way to disillusionment at its shabbiness (Ruskin Bond Quotes)
To return to my own trees, I went among them often, acknowledging their presence with a touch of my hand against their trunks (Ruskin Bond Quotes)
Hinduism comes closest to being a nature religion. Rivers, rocks, trees, plants, animals, and birds all play their part, both in mythology and everyday worship. This harmony is most evident in remote places like this, and I hope it does not loose its unique character in the ruthless urban advance (Ruskin Bond Quotes)
It is always the same with mountains. Once you have lived with them for any length of time, you belong to them. There is no escape (Ruskin Bond Quotes)
Book readers are special people, and they will always turn to books as the ultimate pleasure. Those who do not read are the unfortunate ones. There’s nothing wrong with them; but they are missing out on one of life’s compensations and rewards. A great book is a friend that never lets you down. You can return to it again and again and the joy first derived from it will still be there (Ruskin Bond Quotes)
Hapiness is as exclusive as a butterfly, and you must never pursue it. If you stay very still, it may come and settle on your hand. But only briefly. Savour those moments, for they will not come in your way very often (Ruskin Bond Quotes)
To be able to laugh and to be merciful are the only things that make man better than the beast (Ruskin Bond Quotes)
People often ask me why my style is so simple. It is, in fact, deceptively simple, for no two sentences are alike. It is clarity that I am striving to attain, not simplicity. Of course, some people want literature to be difficult and there are writers who like to make their readers toil and sweat. They hope to be taken more seriously that way. I have always tried to achieve a prose that is easy and conversational. And those who think this is simple should try it for themselves (Ruskin Bond Quotes)