RZA Quotes
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Text Quotes
We put out real hip-hop at a time when it was turning into pop or R (RZA Quotes)
I build myself back up and come back stronger. That’s what I do. (RZA Quotes)
That’s the beauty of love. Sometimes you don’t have to say nothing. (RZA Quotes)
If you live through defeat, you are not defeated. If you are beaten but acquire wisdom, you have won. Lose yourself to improve yourself. Only when we shed all self-definition do we find who we really are (RZA Quotes)
The most revealing books are the Holy Koran and the Holy Bible. The Bhagavad Gita is a great book as well, and the works of Buddha. These are the major influences on the world (RZA Quotes)
Kung fu was made so the monks could train their bodies and move their bodies with strength, so they could be physical enough to gain mental enlightenment. Before that, they kept falling asleep when [masters] were trying to teach them (RZA Quotes)
I think one thing most of faiths have in common is they all realize that everything manifests from one [god]. That’s whether you’re dealing with science, religion, Bible, whatever. They all realize it all came from one, and then from one, you got many (RZA Quotes)
If you don’t know yourself, you don’t know your nature. If you don’t know your nature, you don’t know where to exist. By knowing your nature, knowing yourself, you know what to be and how to live. And that only comes from knowledge of self, knowing yourself (RZA Quotes)
If a woman and a man who have an argument keep talking they keep fighting (RZA Quotes)
We say knowledge is the basic foundation of the universe. Everything is first based on something being known. (RZA Quotes)
Confusion is a gift from God. Those times when you feel most desperate for a solution, sit. Wait. The information will become clear. The confusion is there to guide you. Seek detachment and become the producer of your life (RZA Quotes)
I believe in the 12 Jewels and try to provide my childrem with them. That is Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding, Freedom, Justice, Equality, Food, Clothing, Shelter, Love, Peace and Happiness. (RZA Quotes)
Every aspect of your personality, if you’re wise, you’re able to separate each one of them and put them to use at the best time for the best position. (RZA Quotes)
Every cell has certain knowledge. I think knowledge is contained within the genetics, even. I think scientists will find that. I don’t think there’s a gay gene, though. They may argue that down, but I don’t think that, because that’s a preference. (RZA Quotes)
Feeling mad hostile, wearing Aéropostale, Flowing like Christ when I speaks the gospel. (RZA Quotes)
I love vinyl, you know? To me it has depth, warmth, it’s the best way to really sample. (RZA Quotes)
I advise everyone to find an island in this life. Find a place where this culture can’t take energy away from you, sap your will and originality. Since anything physical can be mental, that island can be your home. Turn off the electromagnetic waves being forced upon you, the countless invisible forces coming at you all the time. (RZA Quotes)
Sometimes brothers are in war with each other, but at the end love conquers all (RZA Quotes)
Happiness is something you get from yourself. If you’re completely satisfied with yourself, nobody can take it away from you. (RZA Quotes)
But for the wise, it says in the Bible: when a wise man hears wisdom, he reacts. When a fool hears it, his acts are folly. If you wanna be a fool, help yourself, it’s not my problem. (RZA Quotes)
Grew up in Stapleton House village, where blood flood the waters in the streets like oil spillage (RZA Quotes)
You can see the weakness of a man right through his iris (RZA Quotes)
It’s harder to make the glass than break the glass (RZA Quotes)
Fear is a state of nervousness only fit for children (RZA Quotes)
The first person you have to resurrect is yourself (RZA Quotes)
How can you defame mud when such a beautiful flower grows from it? (RZA Quotes)
Whether I went to school or not, I would always study (RZA Quotes)
Happiness is total and complete satisfaction with yourself (RZA Quotes)
Don’t wait till you die to go to heaven (RZA Quotes)
Inspiration is found everywhere if you look hard enough (RZA Quotes)
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