Sacred Quotes

Text Quotes
Sacred to the memory of printing, the art preservative of all arts. This was first invented about the year 1440 (Sacred Quotes)
It was not certain what significance the ceremony held... but the formality was no less sacred for it being unintelligible (Sacred Quotes)
While doing centering prayer, the practice is to let go of any thought or perception. The priority is to be as silent as possible and when that is not possible to let the noise of the thoughts be the sacred symbol for a while, without analyzing them (Sacred Quotes)
Isn’t atheism just another religion?’ No, it isn’t. Atheism has no creeds, rituals, holy book, absolute moral code, origin myth, sacred spaces or shrines. It has no sin, divine judgment, forbidden words, prayer, worship, prophecy, group privileges, or anointed ‘holy’ leaders. Atheists don’t believe in a transcendent world or supernatural afterlife. Most important, there is no orthodoxy in atheism (Sacred Quotes)
I consider being female such a unique gift, such a sacred joy, in ways that run so deep I can’t articulate them. It’s a special kind of privilege to be born into the body you wanted, to embrace the essence of your gender even as you recognize what you are up against. Even as you seek to redefine it (Sacred Quotes)
Scouting contributes to a boy’s preparation to hold the priesthood of God. Scout leaders have a sacred responsibility. They help boys learn Scouting principles that also help them live the gospel. We thank each leader as they foster faith in Christ and prepare boys to make temple covenants and become a missionary, husband, and father (Sacred Quotes)
My friend devotes himself to his life, whenever he can find the spare time. His motto is: ‘Don’t just sit there: live!’ So he’s too busy to stand, to walk, to do anything, except to live. He even refused to kiss a girl, when invited, on the grounds that it was time again to be living. Schedules are sacred to him (Sacred Quotes)
Families are the Lord’s workshop on earth to help us learn and live the gospel. We come into our families with a sacred duty to help strengthen each other spiritually (Sacred Quotes)
In the quiet moments of your day, what do you think and do? When you are with your Self and no one else, how does life proceed for you? Who are you when you are alone? Self-creation is a Holy Experience. It is sacred. It is you, deciding Who You Are (Sacred Quotes)
When God’s children pass under the shadow of the cross of Calvary, they know that through that shadow lies their passage to the great white throne. For them Gethsemane is as paradise. God fills it with sacred presences; its solemn silence is broken by the music of tender promises, its awful darkness softened and brightened by the sunlight of Heavenly faces and the music of angel wings (Sacred Quotes)
Proverbs, like the sacred books of each nation, are the sanctuary of the intuitions. That which the droning world, chained to appearances, will not allow the realist to say in his own words, it will suffer him to say in proverbs without contradiction (Sacred Quotes)
The Sacred isn’t housed in a building or worn around your neck or something in the sky. The Sacred is the here and now we reside in, all breathing the same air, all imbibing the same water and made of the same earth with ‘the life force’ flowing through all living things (Sacred Quotes)
In the 1990s, it’s OK to do comedy about the Chernobyl disaster or the Space Shuttle blowing up. It’s acceptable to ridicule the Pope or the President of the United States, but God forbid you do a joke... about gays. The gay community is the last sacred cow in this society (Sacred Quotes)
The home was a school. Farm and cabin households, though bookless save for the Family Bible and The Sacred Harp, taught the girls to spin, weave, quilt, cook, sew, and mind their manners; the boys to wield gun, ax, hammer and saw, to ride, plow, sow and reap, and to be men. Nobody need ever be bored. Amusement did not have to be bought (Sacred Quotes)
Don’t live in the past - you’ve already been there. And don’t live in the future, either. Tomorrow will be here soon enough. Live in this moment now - it is sacred and unrepeatable. This moment alone holds valuable gifts that should not be missed (Sacred Quotes)
From my point of view, humanity is one living being. Male-female - we complement each other in a sacred communion. But once again, respect is the key. Respect is what makes the sacred communion possible (Sacred Quotes)
The problem for me is that reading is, I won’t say a sacred, but nevertheless a pretty serious act (Sacred Quotes)
Sacred play is anything that takes you into that right hemisphere of your brain. It turns out that this move away from left to the right hemisphere, that sense of expansiveness and everything, can be accomplished through unusual rhythmic action, or any action that requires so much attention away from words that you cannot think in words (Sacred Quotes)
It will take an unprecedented act of courage, on a grand scale. You may have to do something virtually unknown in the annals of human history. ... You may have to give up some of your most sacred beliefs. ... let me make something clear. (Sacred Quotes)
Because sexual intimacy is so sacred, the Lord requires self-control and purity before marriage, as well as full fidelity after marriage. . . . .Tears inevitably follow transgression. Men, take care not to make women weep, for God counts their tears. (Sacred Quotes)
Almost everything you think is sacred, good and decent, is a lie and an all-out assault against truth and decency. (Sacred Quotes)
Everybody thinks of baseball as a sacred cow. When you have the nerve to challenge it, people look down their noses at you. There are a lot of things wrong with a lot of is one of them. (Sacred Quotes)
Apparently God takes reception of Holy Communion seriously. Apparently some things are more sacred than politics. Apparently it’s all or nothing when it comes to being Catholic. (Sacred Quotes)
However great may be the work for which we are responsible, we will always do well if we pause to spend time in sacred praise. (Sacred Quotes)
America does four things better than any other country in the world: rock music, movies, software and high-speed pizza delivery. All of these are sacred American art forms. (Sacred Quotes)
What makes ‘American Pie’ so unusual is that it isn’t a relic from the counterculture but a talisman, which, like a sacred river, keeps bringing joy to listeners everywhere. When ‘American Pie’ suddenly is played on a jukebox or radio, it’s almost impossible not to sing along. (Sacred Quotes)
In many traditions, hawks are sacred: Apollo’s messengers for the Greeks, sun symbols for the ancient Egyptians and, in the case of the Lakota Sioux, embodiments of clear vision, speed and single-minded dedication. (Sacred Quotes)
SACRED, adj. Dedicated to some religious purpose; having a divine character; inspiring solemn thoughts or emotions; as... the Cow in India; the Crocodile, the Cat and the Onion of ancient Egypt. (Sacred Quotes)
SCARABAEUS, n. The sacred beetle of the ancient Egyptians, allied to our familiar tumble-bug. It was supposed to symbolize immortality, the fact that God knew why giving it its peculiar sanctity. (Sacred Quotes)
Ancient wisdom: deal in personal trust; your word is your bond; avoid extremes; treat the money you invest for others as something sacred; don’t take any more perks than you would wish others to take; don’t borrow what you couldn’t suddenly pay back; imagine the worse case financial scenario and expect it very may well happen; the wealthier you become the more humble you should act. (Sacred Quotes)