Sad Quotes

Text Quotes
I hate the days where you don't know why, but you just feel sad (Sad Quotes)
The worst part about being strong is that no one ever asks if you're okay (Sad Quotes)
I just want to sleep and never wake up (Sad Quotes)
That feeling when you're not necessarily sad, but you just feel really empty (Sad Quotes)
No one notices your pain, no one notices your sadness, no one notices your tears, but everyone notices your mistakes (Sad Quotes)
Tears are prayers too. They travel to God when we can't speak (Sad Quotes)
A tear is made of 1% water and 99% feelings (Sad Quotes)
I'll be ok. Just not today (Sad Quotes)
I miss the old me. I miss the happy me. Everything has changed (Sad Quotes)
Sad how some people believe their own lies and the stories they make up in their heads (Sad Quotes)
Sometimes you scream in silence (Sad Quotes)
The only people who think there's a time limit for grief have never lost a piece of their heart. Take all the time you need (Sad Quotes)
I'm not sad anymore, i'm just tired of this place (Sad Quotes)
Smiling has always been easier than explaining why you're sad (Sad Quotes)
I thought you were different. I was wrong (Sad Quotes)
Tell me when i am no longer needed and i shall go (Sad Quotes)
Sometimes, in your quest to make everyone else happy, you make yourself miserable (Sad Quotes)
Sometimes it's better to be alone. Nobody can hurt you (Sad Quotes)
I hope you never forget me (Sad Quotes)
You hate when people see you cry because you want to be that strong girl. At the same time though, you hate how nobody notices how torn apart you are (Sad Quotes)
It is perfectly okay to admit you're not okay (Sad Quotes)
I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone, it's not, it's to end up with people who make you feel all alone (Sad Quotes)
I keep myself busy with things to do, but everytime i pause, i still think of you (Sad Quotes)
I've watched you disappear. All that's left is a ghost of you (Sad Quotes)
Behind my smile is a hurting heart. Behind my laugh I'm falling apart. Look closely at me and you will see, the girl I am... isn't me (Sad Quotes)
Faking a smile is easier than explaining why you are sad (Sad Quotes)
I just want someone to be afraid of losing me (Sad Quotes)
Have you ever cried so much that it hurts? (Sad Quotes)
When the memories hit you. (Sad Quotes)
Sometimes, the only reason why you won't let go of what's making you sad is because it was the only thing that made you happy (Sad Quotes)