Safe Quotes

Text Quotes
It is only when people can feel that their lives and the property which their industry has produced today will continue to be safe... that there can be... stability of value and... economic progress (Safe Quotes)
It’s a safe bet that someone who tells you you need to calm down has never actually seen you when you needed to calm down (Safe Quotes)
In order to reprogram the subconscious mind, you need to relax the body. Release the tension. Let the emotions go. Get to a state of openness and receptivity. You are always in change. You are always safe (Safe Quotes)
The biggest mistake sometimes is to play things very safe in this life and end up being moral failures (Safe Quotes)
We won’t figure out what’s sacred in life if we settle for what’s safe (Safe Quotes)
I comfortably and easily release the old and and welcome the new in my life. I am safe (Safe Quotes)
He who runs away from a fearful calamity, a foreign invasion, a terrible famine, and the companionship of wicked men is safe (Safe Quotes)
It is safe to look within. As I move through the layers of other people’s opinions and beliefs, I see within myself a magnificent being, wise and beautiful. I love what I see in me (Safe Quotes)
Safe is good for sidewalks and swimming pools, but life requires risk if we are to get anywhere (Safe Quotes)
If you don’t require the journey to be easy or comfortable or safe, you can change the world (Safe Quotes)
It doesn’t matter how powerfully sexuality, one with your being, moves; it’s all profound goodness. You’re safe in it. What you know in it, of its depth and its quality, is what you’re saying yes to, what you’re resting in, what you’re warmed in (Safe Quotes)
Just like the bright sun, I am a radiant being. Others feel safe and warm in my presence (Safe Quotes)
A developed country is one that allows all its citizens to enjoy a free and healthy life in a safe environment (Safe Quotes)
There is only one duty, only one safe course, and that is to try to be right and not to fear to do or say what you believe to be right. That is the only way to deserve and to win the confidence of our great people in these days of trouble (Safe Quotes)
Although this may seem a paradox, all exact science is based on the idea of approximation. If a man tells you he knows a thing exactly, then you can be safe in inferring that you are speaking to an inexact man (Safe Quotes)
It is a good and safe rule to sojourn in every place as if you meant to spend your life there, never omitting an opportunity of doing a kindness, or speaking a true word, or making a friend (Safe Quotes)
The multitude... have not a sufficient stock of reason and knowledge to guide them... It is not safe to trust to the virtue of any people (Safe Quotes)
We shall not defeat any of the infectious diseases that plague the developing world until we have also won the battle for safe drinking water, sanitation, and basic health care (Safe Quotes)
We’ll not be sending anyone into space before it is safe and the vehicle is well and truly tested (Safe Quotes)
Know that you are always safe. And also know that it’s possible to move from the old to the new, easily and peacefully (Safe Quotes)
I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them but to inform their discretion (Safe Quotes)
That the outer man is a picture of the inner, and the face an expression and revelation of the whole character, is a presumption likely enough in itself, and therefore a safe one to go on; borne out as it is by the fact that people are always anxious to see anyone who has made himself famous. Photography offers the most complete satisfaction of our curiosity (Safe Quotes)
Thrillers provide the reader with a safe escape into a dangerous world where the stakes are as high as can be imagined with unpredictable outcomes. It’s a perfect genre in which to explore hard issues of good and evil, a mirror that allows the reader to see both the good and not so good in themselves (Safe Quotes)
As human beings, we are vulnerable to confusing the unprecedented with the improbable. In our everyday experience, if something has never happened before, we are generally safe in assuming it is not going to happen in the future, but the exceptions can kill you and climate change is one of those exceptions (Safe Quotes)
There is some argument about who actually invented text messaging, but I think it’s safe to say it was a man. Multiple studies have shown that the average man uses about half as many words per day as women, thus text messaging. It eliminates hellos and goodbyes and cuts right to the chase (Safe Quotes)
My coming to faith did not start with a leap but rather a series of staggers from what seemed like one safe place to another. Like lily pads, round and green, these places summoned and then held me up while I grew. Each prepared me for the next leaf on which I would land, and in this way I moved across the swamp of doubt and fear (Safe Quotes)
I love sleep because it is both pleasant and safe to use. Pleasant because one is in the best possible company and safe because sleep is the consummate protection against the unseemliness that is the invariable consequence of being awake. What you don’t know won’t hurt you. Sleep is death without the responsibility (Safe Quotes)
In every heart there is a room, a sanctuary safe and strong, to heal the wounds from lovers past, until a new one comes along... So I would choose to be with you. That’s if the choice were mine to make. But you can make decisions too. And you can have this heart to break. And so it goes, and so it goes. And you’re the only one who knows (Safe Quotes)
We have probably wondered in our many lonesome moments if there is one corner in this competitive, demanding world where it is safe to be relaxed, to expose ourselves to someone else, and to give unconditionally. It might be very small and hidden, but if this corner exists, it calls for a search through the complexities of our human relationships in order to find it (Safe Quotes)
It’s just harder out there in the world of the living, and we cannot protect you out there as easily. I wanted to keep you perfectly safe... But there is only one perfectly safe place for your kind, and you will not reach it until all your adventures are over and none of them matter any longer (Safe Quotes)