Saint John Of The Cross Quotes

Text Quotes
Live in the world as if only God and your soul were in it; then your heart will never be made captive by any earthly thing (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)
The virtuous soul that is alone and without a master is like a long lone burning coal; it will grow colder rather than hotter (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)
He who interrupts the course of his spiritual exercises and prayer is like a man who allows a bird to escape from his hand; he can hardly catch it again (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)
Although you perform many works, if you do not deny your will and submit yourself, losing all solicitude about yourself and your affairs, you will not make progress (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)
Strive to preserve your heart in peace; let no event of this world disturb it; reflect that all must come to an end (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)
Yearning: It needs to hurt in order to be worthy of the word. Otherwise it is just wanting (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)
It is great wisdom to know how to be silent and to look at neither the remarks, nor the deeds, nor the lives of others (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)
Take God for your spouse and friend and walk with him continually, and you will not sin and will learn to love, and the things you must do will work out prosperously for you (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)
The eternal spring is hidden in this living bread for our life’s sake, although it is night. It is here calling out to creatures; and they satisfy their thirst, although in darkness, because it is night. This living spring that I long for, I see in this bread of life, although it is night (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)
Though the path is plain and smooth for men of good will, he who walks it will not travel far, and will do so only with difficulty, if he does not have good feet: that is, courage and a persevering spirit (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)
For true devotion must issue from the heart, and consist in the truth and substances alone of what is represented by spiritual things; all the rest is affection and attachment proceeding from imperfection; and in order that one may pass to any kind of perfection it is necessary for such desires to be killed (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)
If you wish to attain holy recollection, you will do so not by receiving but by denying (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)
In sorrow and suffering, go straight to God with confidence, and you will be strengthened, enlightened and instructed (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)
He who loses an opportunity is like the man who lets a bird fly from his hand, for he will never recover it (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)
Strive always to confess your sins with a deep knowledge of your own wretchedness and with clarity and purity (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)
In the inner stillness where meditation leads, the Spirit secretly anoints the soul and heals our deepest wounds (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)
A Christian should always remember that the value of his good works is not based on their number and excellence, but on the love of God which prompts him to do these things (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)
Contemplation is nothing else but a secret, peaceful, and loving infusion of God, which, if admitted, will set the soul on fire with the Spirit of love (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)
The eternal tide flows hid in living bread. That with it's heavenly life too be fed (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)
If it were given to a man to see virtue's reward in the next world, he would occupy his intellect, memory and will in nothing but good works, careless of danger or fatigue (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)
Seek by reading and you will find by meditating. Knock by praying, and it will be opened to you in contemplation (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)
To love is to be transformed into what we love. To love God is therefore to be transformed into God (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)
See that you are not suddenly saddened by the adversities of this world, for you do not know the good they bring, being ordained in the judgments of God for the everlasting joy of the elect (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)
In the twilight of life, God will not judge us on our earthly possessions and human success, but rather on how much we have loved (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)
Live as though only God and yourself were in this world, so that your heart may not be detained by anything human (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)
Have a great love for those who contradict and fail to love you, for in this way love is begotten in a heart that has no love (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)
Faith is a dark night for man, but in this very way it gives him light (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)
God desires from you the least degree of purity of conscience more than all the works you can perform (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)
God passes through the thicket of the world, and wherever His glance falls He turns all things to beauty (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)
In search of my love I will go over mountains and strands; I will gather no flowers, I will fear no wild beasts; and pass by the mighty and the frontiers (Saint John Of The Cross Quotes)