Sallust Quotes

Text Quotes
Harmony makes small things grow, lack of it makes great things decay (Sallust Quotes)
No grief reaches the dead (Sallust Quotes)
All who consult on doubtful matters, should be void of hatred, friendship, anger, and pity (Sallust Quotes)
The Romans assisted their allies and friends, and acquired friendships by giving rather than receiving kindness. [Lat., Sociis atque amicis auxilia portabant Romani, magisque dandis quam accipiundis beneficiis amicitias parabant.] (Sallust Quotes)
The glory of riches and of beauty is frail and transitory; virtue remains bright and eternal. [Lat., Divitarum et formae gloria fluxa atque fragilis; virtus clara aeternaque habetur.] (Sallust Quotes)
In my own case, who have spent my whole life in the practice of virtue, right conduct from habitual has become natural (Sallust Quotes)
But at power or wealth, for the sake of which wars, and all kinds of strife, arise among mankind, we do not aim; we desire only our liberty, which no honorable man relinquishes but with his life (Sallust Quotes)
But few prize honour more than money (Sallust Quotes)
Covetous of the property of others and prodigal of his own (Sallust Quotes)
Few men desire liberty: The majority are satisfied with a just master (Sallust Quotes)
Think like a man of action, and act like a man of thought (Sallust Quotes)
Every man is the architect of his own fortune (Sallust Quotes)
There were few who preferred honor to money (Sallust Quotes)
Everything rises but to fall, and increases but to decay (Sallust Quotes)
A good man would prefer to be defeated than to defeat injustice by evil means (Sallust Quotes)
Deliberate before you begin; but, having carefully done so, execute with vigour (Sallust Quotes)
Among intellectual pursuits, one of the most useful is the recording of past events (Sallust Quotes)
By the wicked the good conduct of others is always dreaded (Sallust Quotes)
Get good counsel before you begin; and when you have decided, act promptly (Sallust Quotes)
To have the same likes and dislikes, therein consists the firmest bond of friendship (Sallust Quotes)
Prosperity tries the souls even of the wise (Sallust Quotes)
By union the smallest states thrive. By discord the greatest are destroyed (Sallust Quotes)
For harmony makes small states great, while discord undermines the mightiest empires (Sallust Quotes)
Fame is the shadow of passion standing in the light (Sallust Quotes)
Each man the architect of his own fate (Sallust Quotes)
It is always easy to begin a war, but very difficult to stop one (Sallust Quotes)
Greedy for the property of others, extravagant with his own (Sallust Quotes)
A good man prefers to suffer rather than overcome injustice with evil (Sallust Quotes)
The poorest of men are the most useful to those seeking power (Sallust Quotes)
Advise well before you begin, and when you have maturely considered, then act with promptitude (Sallust Quotes)