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Samuel Johnson Quotes

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The limbs will quiver and move after the soul is gone  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) He is not only dull himself, but the cause of dulness in others  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) I would consent to have a limb amputated to recover my spirits  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) You despise a man for avarice; but you do not hate him  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) He who would have fine guests, let him have a fine wife  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) Faction seldom leaves a man honest, however it might find him  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) It is necessary to hope... for hope itself is happiness  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) In a man’s letters his soul lies naked  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) A writer only begins a book. A reader finishes it  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) I have already enjoyed too much; give me something to desire  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) You can never be wise unless you love reading  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) If we will have the kindness of others, we must endure their follies  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) The disturbers of happiness are our desires, our griefs, and our fears  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) To hear complaints is wearisome alike to the wretched and the happy  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) Reproof should not exhaust its power upon petty failings  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) No man can enjoy happiness without thinking that he enjoys it  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) When there is no hope, there can be no endeavor  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) Learn that the present hour alone is man’s  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) To be happy at home is the ultimate result of all ambition  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) Some desire is necessary to keep life in motion  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) All theory is against free will; all experience is for it  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) Politics are now nothing more than means of rising in the world  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) It matters not how a man dies, but how he lives  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) He was dull in a new way, and that made many think him great  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) Books without the knowledge of life are useless  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) He endearing elegance of female friendship  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) There are occasions on which all apologies are rudeness  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) He who endeavors to please must appear pleased  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) It is our first duty to serve society  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) Faults and defects every work of man must have  (Samuel Johnson Quotes)
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