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Samuel Johnson Quotes

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Love has no great influences upon the sum of life  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) None but a fool worries about things he cannot influence  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) Bias and impartiality is in the eye of the beholder  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) To have gold is to be in fear, and to want it to be sorrow  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) Laws teach us to know when we commit injury and when we suffer it  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) He that never thinks can never be wise  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) Suspicion is most often useless pain  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) No one ever became great by imitation  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) The next best thing to knowing something is knowing where to find it  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) There are few minds to which tyranny is not delightful  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) Pain is less subject than pleasure to careless expression  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) This merriment of parsons is mighty offensive  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) The majority of a society is the true definition of the public  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) Words too familiar, or too remote, defeat the purpose of a poet  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) Everybody knows worse of himself than he knows of other men  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) Games are good or bad as to their nature; all may be perverted  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) Falsehood always endeavors to copy the mien and attitude of truth  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) What is said upon a subject is gathered from an hundred people  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) Courtesy and good humor are often found with little real worth  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) Life, however short, is made still shorter by waste of time  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) The man who feels himself ignorant should, at least, be modest  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) The present is never a happy state to any human being  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) He was so generally civil, that nobody thanked him for it  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) It very seldom happens to a man that his business is his pleasure  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) No man can fall into contempt but those who deserve it  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) Riches, perhaps, do not so often produce crimes as incite accusers  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) There is a frightful interval between the seed and the timber  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) A married man has many cares, but a bachelor no pleasures  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) Life has no pleasure higher or nobler than that of friendship  (Samuel Johnson Quotes) All power of fancy over reason is a degree of madness  (Samuel Johnson Quotes)
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