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Sandra Quotes

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Sandra let her words fly on an arrow of certainty. I know the whereabouts of a bona fide extra terrestrial  (Sandra Quotes) I always told, Sandra Bullock was my student when she was younger, I always told her it’s important that we hold on to our insecurity, the wisdom of insecurity  (Sandra Quotes) Well, I think In Love and War, which had a wonderful performance by Sandy, sandra Bullock, who the authorities and, the supposed authorities, in cinema didn’t want to know about  (Sandra Quotes) [Madame Nhu was] the Sandra Dee of South Vietnam. If I were cast on a desert island with her, I would quickly make friends with the natives  (Sandra Quotes) Arizonians are deeply proud of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor’s service to this country. She will always be remembered by Arizonans and all Americans as an extraordinary public servant.  (Sandra Quotes) As Justice Sandra Day O’Connor stated, even a state of war is not a blank check for a president to do whatever he wants.  (Sandra Quotes) Justice Sandra Day O’Connor has been a pioneer, and her dedicated service on the Supreme Court will never be forgotten. And the people of the country certainly owe her a great debt for the service that she has provided.  (Sandra Quotes) The reviewers tear me apart. I bleed. I’m a favorite target. They go along for six months looking at movies, praying for rain, and then a new Sandra Dee movie comes out, and their eyes open, and they lick their lips. Before they’ve ever seen it.  (Sandra Quotes) She [Justice sandra Day O’Connor] rejected the [George] Bush administration’s claim that it could indefinitely detain a United States citizen. She upheld the fundamental principle of judicial review over the exercise of government power.  (Sandra Quotes)