Sanity Quotes

Text Quotes
There is a madness, yes, this is true. Few mortals possess it, the willingness to step away from the protection of sanity. To walk into the wild wood of madness (Sanity Quotes)
There is no sense and no sanity in objecting to the desecration of the flag while tolerating and justifying and encouraging as a daily business the desecration of the country for which it stands (Sanity Quotes)
When the world goes mad, one must accept madness as sanity; since sanity is, in the last analysis, nothing but the madness on which the whole world happens to agree (Sanity Quotes)
Some of us are returning to sanity, because we’re tired of the pain. We’re in a hurry. No time to mess around (Sanity Quotes)
Sanity lies somewhere between the inhibitions of conventional morality and the looseness of the extreme impulse (Sanity Quotes)
Granted, this system is insane, but we must not let sanity stand in the way of airport security (Sanity Quotes)
Growing up, books were my lifeline, and I owe a debt to those writers that can never be repaid. They saved my sanity and gave me a world I could escape to. If I can pay that forward to another person, that’s all I ask (Sanity Quotes)
... maybe a damned good night’s sleep will bring me back to a gentle sanity. But at the moment, I look about this room and, like myself, it’s all in disarray: things fallen out of place, cluttered, jumbled, lost, knocked over and I can’t put it straight, don’t want to. Perhaps living through these petty days will get us ready for the dangerous ones (Sanity Quotes)
I have all the characteristics of a human being: blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust. Something horrible is happening inside of me and I don’t know why. My nightly bloodlust has overflown into my days. I feel lethal, on the verge of frenzy. I think my mask of sanity is about to slip (Sanity Quotes)
Yes. To write a novel is to risk my sanity. The deeper I get into the suffering and conflict of the characters, into the very situations and thoughts and feelings that make the novel worthwhile, the worse I feel, and the more likely I am to be severely depressed when the book is finished. There is no avoiding this: it is the result of attempting to tell all you know, to reach for the stars, to write what matters (Sanity Quotes)
She wasn’t about to go down that road herself, which was a testament to her spiritual awakening and her commitment to sanity. It was a real blessing that she didn’t follow me, because oftentimes, people go out together and one comes back and the other doesn’t. Or both of them never do (Sanity Quotes)
There is an area of the mind that could be called unsane, beyond sanity, and yet not insane. Think of a circle with a fine split in it. At one end there’s insanity. You go around the circle to sanity, and on the other end of the circle, close to insanity, but not insanity, is unsanity (Sanity Quotes)
For the moral attitudes of a people that is supported by religion need always aim at preserving and promoting the sanity and vitality of the community and its individuals, since otherwise this community is bound to perish. A people that were to honour falsehood, defamation, fraud, and murder would be unable, indeed, to subsist for very long (Sanity Quotes)
World peace through nonviolent means is neither absurd nor unattainable. All other methods have failed. Thus we must begin anew. Nonviolence is a good starting point. Those of us who believe in this method can be voices of reason, sanity, and understanding amid the voices of violence, hatred, and emotion. We can very well set a mood of peace out of which a system of peace can be built (Sanity Quotes)
As painful as life can be at times for people all over the world there is some component of existence, or nonexistence perhaps, operating to implement a balance and give us an opportunity to turn the horrors we’ve forced upon each other into something more conducive to sustaining at least minimal degrees of sanity and love (Sanity Quotes)
I think I can take responsibility for that in that I was the audience. I was the voice of sanity around whom all these crazies did their dance. And I reacted in the same way that a member of the audience would have reacted (Sanity Quotes)
I’ve kept my sanity in this business by trying out for a role and then going home and trying to forget about it (Sanity Quotes)
I only have so much energy, so something had to go. This is why, at the end of the day, I’ve preserved my sanity for the children and also manage to do my best at work (Sanity Quotes)
Correct me if I’m wrong, but hasn’t the fine line between sanity and madness gotten finer? (Sanity Quotes)
It was an hour of sanity with the good guys winning, a situation where the world was right side up (Sanity Quotes)
The fight for sanity in our gun safety laws is not by any means over. In many ways it’s just beginning (Sanity Quotes)
As a husband and as a father of girls, I cannot imagine any woman in my family making the sacrifice of sanity required to run for office. The limited reward for public service cannot blunt the cost (Sanity Quotes)
Only, as long as we’re going insane we may as well go the whole way. A mere shred of sanity is of no value (Sanity Quotes)
And he would probably not agree with my conviction that a sense of humor is the main measure of sanity. But who can say for sure? Humor is a very private thing (Sanity Quotes)
I love the idea of bringing order out of disorder which is what the mystery is about. I like the way in which it affirms the sanity of human life and exorcises irrational guilts (Sanity Quotes)
But you learn to smother the living breathing soul, go deaf to it, and this violence to the self is what is commonly called sanity in the places where I have lived (Sanity Quotes)
Maintain silence in the presence of birth to save both the sanity of the mother and the child and safeguard the home to which they will go (Sanity Quotes)
It’s possible to fight intolerance, stupidity and fanaticism when they come separately. When you get all three together it’s probably wiser to get out, if only to preserve your sanity (Sanity Quotes)
In the context of our present pervasive madness that we call normality, sanity, freedom, all our frames of reference are ambiguous and equivocal (Sanity Quotes)
Sanity means the wholeness of the consciousness. And our society is only part conscious, like an idiot (Sanity Quotes)