Sanity Quotes

Text Quotes
If we lose our sanity... We can but howl the lugubrious howl of idiots, the howl of the utterly lost howling their nowhereness (Sanity Quotes)
Neither conscience nor sanity itself suggests that the United States is, should or could be the global gendarme (Sanity Quotes)
Our sense of worth, of well-being, even our sanity depends upon our remembering. But, alas, our sense of worth, our well-being, our sanity also depend upon our forgetting (Sanity Quotes)
I always made a point of telling the doctors I was sane, and asking to be released, but the more I endeavored to assure them of my sanity, the more they doubted it (Sanity Quotes)
Those who kept their sanity and humanity intact in the face of awful adversity. Heroes named and unnamed, some known only to God (Sanity Quotes)
Does my being driven crazy by the irony that only sane people question their sanity, while insane people never do, make me insane? Or, have I just answered my own question? (Sanity Quotes)
For me, exercise is more mental than physical. I crave it for my sanity. Not just the endorphins, but my energy, confidence, and relaxation are all motivated by it (Sanity Quotes)
Stars now also have problems with drugs, and it can be even harder being so out in the public eye - it’s hard for them to keep their sanity and normal self present, but they can do it (Sanity Quotes)
Are you so unobservant as not to have found out that sanity and happiness are an impossible combination (Sanity Quotes)
Survival lies in sanity, and sanity lies in paying attention... the capacity for delight is the gift of paying attention (Sanity Quotes)
Accuracy of signal and free flow of information define sanity in my epistemology (Sanity Quotes)
For me, insanity is super sanity. The normal is psychotic. Normal means lack of imagination, lack of creativity (Sanity Quotes)
My children are the source of my strength, frustration, happiness, insanity, sanity, irritability. They are the definition of unconditional love (Sanity Quotes)
Your mental health is more important than your education. Better to have a degree of sanity than just a degree (Sanity Quotes)
Eventually, competition and adventure wane, and I enter my ibuprofen phase. Tweaky hamstrings and achy knees restrict mileage, but I continue running for health, sanity, and the ritual of a Sunday trail run with like-minded buddies. We discuss the nagging injuries that bedevil us, and remember the good old days when we were kings (Sanity Quotes)
All right, so there he is, our representative to the world, Mr. Western Civilization, in codpiece and pantyhose up there on the boards, firing away at the rapt groundlings with his blank verses, not less of a word-slinger and spellbinder than the Bard himself and therefore not to be considered too curiously on such matters as relevance, coherence, consistency, propriety, sanity, common decency (Sanity Quotes)
My job is to ensure the sanctity of this House. Ensuring the sanity of its Master seemed like a good start (Sanity Quotes)
Sanity, in my opinion, is an achievement. I have seen very few well-balanced people in my life who were not dunces (Sanity Quotes)
I’ve always thought that, as a romance writer, I had the best job in the world. I sit around all day making up emotion-drenched, conflict-laden stories that push my heroes and heroines to the edge of sanity. Then I give them a happy ending (Sanity Quotes)
My radar, after all these years of sanity, is still off when it comes to what people do or don’t mean. (Sanity Quotes)
God has blessed me with an amazing family, friends and work colleagues that have been my joy, my support, and my sanity. I don’t know what I’d do without them. (Sanity Quotes)
Poetry is an affair of sanity, of seeing things as they are, to recreate the familar,eternalizing the poet’s own poerception in unique and original verbal form. (Sanity Quotes)
Hanging out with my girlfriends is my sanity saver. We go out for a bad chick flick and dinner. I suggest you break free from the guys, see a really silly, girly movie, and get a little something to eat afterwards. It feels like a treat. (Sanity Quotes)
I try to get to the beach every day. It brings sanity to my life. I’ll just sit and read a book and enjoy the quiet. (Sanity Quotes)
Sanity is not statistical - Being in a minority, even a minority of one, did not make you mad (Sanity Quotes)
Challenge is the pathway to engagement and progress in our lives. But not all challenges are created equal. Some challenges make us feel alive, engaged, connected, and fulfilled. Others simply overwhelm us. Knowing the difference as you set bigger and bolder challenges for yourself is critical to your sanity, success, and satisfaction. (Sanity Quotes)
Maintain silence in the presence of birth to save both the sanity of the mother and the child and safeguard the home to which they will go. (Sanity Quotes)
Books saved my sanity, knowledge opened the locked places in me and taught me first how to survive and then how to soar. (Sanity Quotes)
Sanity and clarity are more important for me and I’m willing to give up a lot of shimmer for it. I’m willing to have more boring friends, who are sane. (Sanity Quotes)
The cost of sanity in this society, is a certain level of alienation (Sanity Quotes)