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Santana Quotes

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Back in the days, the groups and the bands that we listened to were like Earth, Wind and Fire, Santana and Grateful Dead. We don’t have a lot of those bands anymore  (Santana Quotes) I got to work with [Carlos] Santana, who’s been my idol forever. When I was 18, I got up with him in Australia and jammed with him. That was an amazing moment because I got up in front of my hometown crowd  (Santana Quotes) What I learned from people like Carlos Santana is that you cannot get too happy after working for five years in the industry. It takes years and years, and I learned to keep a straight head and keep on working harder and harder.  (Santana Quotes) Back in the days, the groups and the bands that we listened to were like Earth, Wind and Fire, Santana and Grateful Dead. We don’t have a lot of those bands anymore.  (Santana Quotes)