Sarah Addison Allen Quotes

Text Quotes
To think, after all this time, after all the searching and all the waiting, after all the regret and the time she’d spent away, she came back to find that happiness was right where she’s left it. On a football field in Mullaby, North Carolina. Waiting for her (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)
My favorite books are the ones that make me smile for hours after reading them. I want that for my readers, for the sweetness to linger. Sort of like chocolate, but without the calories (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)
I’ll give you one day at a time, Claire. But remember, I’m thousands of days ahead already (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)
I just don’t know where home is. There’s this promise of happiness out there. I know it. I even feel it sometimes. But it’s like chasing the moon - just when I think I have it, it disappears into the horizon. I grieve and try to move on, but then the damn thing comes back the next night, giving me hope of catching it all over again (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)
He didn’t think he belonged here, so she was making him face some uncomfortable facts. People adapt. People change. You can grow where you’re planted. (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)
There’s not a lot I can fix for her anymore. Band-Aid and bedtime story days are almost over. This, I can fix with a simple Welcome. (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)
Her life was monotonous, but it kept her out of trouble. . . . This, her father would say, was called being an adult. (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)
He loved that she made him something he never thought he’d been capable of being. Someone who stayed. (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)
Sometimes people who had been together for a long time got to imagining that things used to be better, even when they weren’t. (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)
Don’t give up because of the dark days. Succeed in spite of them. The dark days make the bright days seem even brighter. So bright you can hardly stand it. (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)
When you’re a teenager, your friends are your life. When you grow up, friendships seem to get pushed further and further back, until it seems like a luxury, a frivolity, like a bubble bath. (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)
At any given time I’m listening to the Cory Branan, Leonna Naess, Eve 6, the King’s Noyse, Sean Paul, Green Day, the BoDeans, Buddy Holly, Nowell Sing We Clear... the list goes on and on. But I rarely listen to music while I write. I start typing the lyrics. (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)
I’m a classic stress-eater, so I know a lot about how eating can become a way of hiding from what’s really wrong. I escape into food. But some people escape into books. Some into relationships that might not be good for them. The three main characters in ‘The Sugar Queen’ struggle with each of these comforts-turned-crutches. (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)
He’d always been fascinated by her, drawn to her the way curious people are always drawn to things they don’t understand. (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)
I love that my dad has stopped asking me when I’m going to get a real job (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)
Sometimes you weren’t supposed to share pain. Sometimes it was best just to deal with it alone. (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)
Everything had felt so precarious since her mother’s death, like she was walking on a bridge made of paper. (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)
Her grandmother used to tell her that a pink sky meant someone in the distance had just fallen in love . . . . (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)
Don’t let anyone see your vulnerable spots. Once they knew how to hurt you, they would do it again and again. (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)
Some people don’t know how to fall in love, like not knowing how to swim. They panic first when they jump in. Then they figure it out. (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)
Sometimes its necessary to embrace the magic, to find out what’s real in life, and in one’s own heart. (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)
The trick is not to make eye contact. They don’t charge if you don’t make eye contact. (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)
People fall in love all the time. And it’s not always with the right people. And it’s not always reciprocated. (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)
But relying on one person for your every need is so dangerous. One set of hands isn’t enough to keep you from falling. (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)
There’s an old hymn called ‘How Can I Keep from Singing?’ That’s what writing feels like to me. I have to write. It’s intrinsic to who I am. So it was a natural choice for me to try to pursue writing as a career. Truthfully, though, I still daydream about how fun it would be to ride on the back of a garbage truck. (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)
She wished she had known back then. Known that happiness isn’t a point in time you leave behind. It’s what’s ahead of you. Every single day. (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)
Crystalline swirls of sugar and flour still lingered in the air like kite tails (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)
The words were strung in the air like garland. She could almost see them (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)
There was a certain power beautiful mothers held over their less beautiful daughters (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)
She accepted it from then on. Books liked her. Books wanted to look after her (Sarah Addison Allen Quotes)