Sarcastic Quotes

Text Quotes
Oh, you're dating my ex. I thought the five second rule was for food only (Sarcastic Quotes)
I enjoy talking to you, my mind needs a rest (Sarcastic Quotes)
Oh my God Peter! Back it up. Really Lois? I thought I might drive forward. I though that might be a fun thing to do (Sarcastic Quotes)
Here's a tissue for your issue (Sarcastic Quotes)
Thanks for eating our food and drinking our booze (Sarcastic Quotes)
Oh, I'm sorry I forgot, I only exist When you need something (Sarcastic Quotes)
Making others happy, through kindness of speech and sincerity of right advice, is a sign of true greatness. To hurt another soul by sarcastic words, looks, or suggestions, is despicable (Sarcastic Quotes)
Honey, tact is for people who aren't witty enough to be sarcastic (Sarcastic Quotes)
Funny thing. I just got back from the center of the universe... I didn't see you anywhere (Sarcastic Quotes)
I’m not great at advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment? (Sarcastic Quotes)
Well excuuuuuuuuuuuuse me (Sarcastic Quotes)
I want to be taken seriously but I can't go 5 minutes without joking or being sarcastic (Sarcastic Quotes)
I'm a few minutes late to class, please stare at me like I just killed somebody (Sarcastic Quotes)
Thanks for supporting every decision you've ever made for me (Sarcastic Quotes)
Good morning world! Your little ray of sarcastic sunshine has arrived (Sarcastic Quotes)
Wow! you get to be with him all the time, for the rest of your life, until you die! (Sarcastic Quotes)
I was hoping for a battle of wits, but you appear to be unarmed (Sarcastic Quotes)
Sarcasm sign. Everybody needs one (Sarcastic Quotes)
Some people don’t get it when I’m being sarcastic (Sarcastic Quotes)
If you don’t have anything nice to say, say it sarcastically (Sarcastic Quotes)
I get uncomfortable when pretty people say I'm pretty because I feel like they're being sarcastic (Sarcastic Quotes)
Well excuuuuuuuuuse me (Sarcastic Quotes)
B-O-O H-O-O (Sarcastic Quotes)
Today’s mood: bitchy with a chance of sarcasm (Sarcastic Quotes)
You’re so hilarious I’m dying of laughter (Sarcastic Quotes)
Sarcasm is losers trying to bring winners down to their level. Wow, Richard, you’ve really opened my eyes to what a loser I am (Sarcastic Quotes)
That’s so funny I forgot to laugh (Sarcastic Quotes)
Sorry I’m not sorry (Sarcastic Quotes)
So... do you like music? No, no, I’m the one person on Earth who doesn’t like music (Sarcastic Quotes)
Sarcasm: just one of the many services I offer (Sarcastic Quotes)