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Sate Quotes

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The hunger of a dragon is slow to wake, but hard to sate  (Sate Quotes) The large white owl that with eye is blind, that hath sate for years in the old tree hollow, is carried away in a gust of wind  (Sate Quotes) Virtue, as it never will be moved, though lewdness court it in a shape of heav'n; so lust, though to a radiant angel link'd, will sate itself in a celestial bed, and prey on garbage  (Sate Quotes) A crow, who had flown away with a cheese from a dairy window, sate perched on a tree looking down at a great big frog in a pool underneath him  (Sate Quotes) Let us say that you wanted a romantic partner who is in a higher sate of mind, a nicer person. The reason you will meet that person is because you are in a state of mind that will cause that meeting to occur  (Sate Quotes) Those who enjoy the emotion of hating are much like the groups who sate their thirst for blood by hunting and hounding to death helpless animals as an outlet for their emotions  (Sate Quotes) At some point, extra incomes don’t go to sate desires but to attempt to buy status through ‘positional goods’ - like the hottest car on the block. The problem is that there can only be one hottest car on the block.  (Sate Quotes) The Internet may well disempower the nation state, but at the same time, it also strengthens certain specific state functions - like surveillance. As a political entity, it doesn’t empower the nation sate. It creates the availability of much more data than the digestive system of the nation state could possibly assimilate.  (Sate Quotes)