Satire Quotes

Text Quotes
Satire recoils whenever charged too high; round your own fame the fatal splinters fly (Satire Quotes)
Satire often proceeds less from ill nature than a desire to display wit (Satire Quotes)
Satire is born of the cities it denounces (Satire Quotes)
Praise undeserved, is satire in disguise (Satire Quotes)
People say satire is dead. It's not dead; it's alive and living in the White House (Satire Quotes)
Enough of satire; in less hardened times great was her force, and mighty were her rhymes. I've read of men, beyond man's daring brave, who yet have trembled at the strokes she gave; whose souls have felt more terrible alarms from her one line, than from a world in arms (Satire Quotes)
All satire is blind to the forces liberated by decay. Which is why total decay has absorbed the forces of satire (Satire Quotes)
Unless a love of virtue light the flame, satire is, more than those he brands, to blame; he hides behind a magisterial air He own offences, and strips others' bare (Satire Quotes)
In fashionable circles general satire, which attacks the fault rather than the person, is unwelcome; while that which attacks the person and spares the fault is always acceptable (Satire Quotes)
The satirist who writes nothing but satire should write but little - or it will seem that his satire springs rather from his own caustic nature than from the sins of the world in which he lives (Satire Quotes)
Satire, though it may exaggerate the vice it lashes, is not justified in creating it in order that it may be lashed (Satire Quotes)
Good satire comes from anger. It comes from a sense of injustice, that there are wrongs in the world that need to be fixed. And what better place to get that well of venom and outrage boiling than a newsroom, because you're on the front lines (Satire Quotes)
When you look at golf films before us they're all garbage or satire. A lot of sports films tend to vilify the opposition. Where the opposition becomes this big angry monster, so big you can't beat him (Satire Quotes)
Comedy has to be done en clair. You can't blunt the edge of wit or the point of satire with obscurity. Try to imagine a famous witty saying that is not immediately clear (Satire Quotes)
When a man says he sees nothing in a book, he very often means that he does not see himself in it: which, if it is not a comedy or a satire, is likely enough (Satire Quotes)
Satire lies about literary men while they live and eulogy lies about them when they die (Satire Quotes)
Why should we fear; and what? The laws? They all are armed in virtue's cause; and aiming at the self-same end, satire is always virtue's friend (Satire Quotes)
Of all debts, men are least willing to pay their taxes; what a satire this is on government (Satire Quotes)
Overhead the sanctities of the stars shine forevermore,... Pouring satire on the pompous business of the day which they close, and making the generations of men show slight and evanescent (Satire Quotes)
Of all debts men are least willing to pay the taxes. What a satire is this on government! Everywhere they think they get their moneys worth, except for these (Satire Quotes)
It’s a great time to be doing political satire when the world is on a knife edge (Satire Quotes)
Every actual State is corrupt. Good men must not obey the laws too well. What satire on government can equal the severity of censure conveyed in the word politics...? (Satire Quotes)
If you write satire, the guilty pleasure these days is that there’s just so much material about. On the other hand, if you have a family it can be depressing (Satire Quotes)
You can’t make up anything anymore. The world itself is a satire. All you’re doing is recording it (Satire Quotes)
Satire is fascinating stuff. It’s deadly serious, and when politics begin to break down, there is a drift towards satire, because it’s the only thing that makes any sense (Satire Quotes)
Satire is people as they are; romanticism, people as they would like to be; realism, people as they seem with their insides left out (Satire Quotes)
Satire is tragedy plus time. You give it enough time, the public, the reviewers will allow you to satirize it. Which is rather ridiculous, when you think about it (Satire Quotes)
The trouble with most comedians who try to do satire is that they are essentially brash, noisy and indelicate people who have to use a sledge hammer to smash a butterfly (Satire Quotes)
If you’re going to get into social criticism with absurdity and satire, you can’t be politically correct when you do that (Satire Quotes)
The journey of your first movie is not just beyond belief it can be truly beyond satire (Satire Quotes)