Satire Quotes

Text Quotes
There is a place in this world for satire, but there is a time when satire ends and intolerance and bigotry towards religious beliefs of others begins. (Satire Quotes)
I never see myself as writing satire. I think I write about people as they really are, without making them better or worse. (Satire Quotes)
I’m a satirist, so I’ve got boxing gloves on if the person is worthy of satire. But I’m not an assassin. (Satire Quotes)
I’m a satirist, so I’ve got boxing gloves on if the person is worthy of satire. But I’m not an assassin. If that ever happens, it’s only because something happened during the interview that got me going, and then I had to translate my feelings to the mouth of the character. (Satire Quotes)
It’s harder to take politics seriously, to understand the issues, than it is to drown it all in a sea of scorn. And while the world cries out for greater analysis and insight, we are distracted by bread and circuses, aka the ‘Great British Bake-Off’ and ‘Tumble.’ We should rediscover our tradition of satire. Of speaking truth unto power. (Satire Quotes)
A lot of political music to me can be rather pedantic and corny, and when it’s done right - like Bruce Springsteen or Jackson Browne or great satire from Randy Newman, there’s nothing better. (Satire Quotes)
I started off at the Second City in Chicago... It’s an improvisational theater that ostensibly does social and political satire, but when I was there, we generally didn’t. We did character work, and we did just the silliest things we could think of. We weren’t all that concerned with, you know, changing the world through mime. (Satire Quotes)
I wrote my first play as extra credit for my fourth grade English class. ‘Can Helen Stop Smoking’ was a satire on the ill effects of cigarette smoking. My friend Vicki Haugabrook played as Helen and I directed the show. At the time, my brother Vince was leading the campaign to get our grandmother to quit. (Satire Quotes)
I try and write satire that’s well-intentioned. But those intentions have to be hidden. It can’t be completely clear, and that’s what makes it comedy. (Satire Quotes)
Satire must always accompany any free society. It is an absolute necessity. Even in the most repressive medieval kingdoms, they understood the need for the court jester, the one soul allowed to tell the truth through laughter, (Satire Quotes)
Charlie Hebdo was and is not The Onion or The Daily Show. This is a different kind of satire. Might I put it this way - less politically correct. (Satire Quotes)
You can’t make up anything anymore. The world itself is a satire. All you’re doing is recording it. (Satire Quotes)
Life serves up satire. Unfortunately. Or fortunately. I don’t know. You have to reel it in to drama. (Satire Quotes)
Hopefully we have a slightly different vibe, but also East Side is where a lot young people live. It is a really fun, trendy, funky neighborhood, and it is ripe for satire, that area specifically. (Satire Quotes)
In the old days of literature, only the very thick-skinned - or the very brilliant - dared enter the arena of literary criticism. To criticise a person’s work required equal measures of erudition and wit, and inferior critics were often the butt of satire and ridicule. (Satire Quotes)
Wyndham Lewis is basically a pessimist, thinking of human beings as doomed animals or determinist machines. His theory of satire is based on this view, and he finds plenty of evidence to support it in contemporary practice. (Satire Quotes)
As Long As I Know I’m Getting Paid’ is a satire. Lyrically, I want to be direct. With my history in Fall Out Boy, there’s some expectation that I’m going to be lyrically obtuse. But that song is a straight-faced satire of consumerism. (Satire Quotes)
The moment you declare a set of ideas to be immune from criticism, satire, derision, or contempt, freedom of thought becomes impossible. (Satire Quotes)
When we realize finally that we aren’t God’s given children, we’ll understand satire. Humor is really laughing off a hurt, grinning at misery. (Satire Quotes)
Every actual State is corrupt. Good men must not obey the laws too well. What satire on government can equal the severity of censure conveyed in the word politics ....? (Satire Quotes)
But the divinest poem, or the life of a great man, is the severest satire.... The greater the genius, the keener the edge of the satire. (Satire Quotes)
Satire works best when it hews close to the line between the outlandish and the possible - and as that line continues to grow thinner, the satirist’s task becomes ever more difficult. (Satire Quotes)
If you write satire, the guilty pleasure these days is that there’s just so much material about. On the other hand, if you have a family it can be depressing. (Satire Quotes)
Political satire became obsolete when they awarded Henry Kissinger the Nobel Peace Prize (Satire Quotes)
Political satire became obsolete when Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel peace prize (Satire Quotes)