Satisfaction Quotes

Text Quotes
The future teachers I try to recruit are those show have refused to let themselves be neutered in this way, either in their private lives or in the lives that they intend to lead in school. When they begin to teach, they come into their classrooms with a sense of affirmation of the goodness and the fullness of existence, with a sense of satisfaction in discovering the unexpected in their students, and with a longing to surprise the world, their kids, even themselves, with their capacity to leave each place they’ve been... a better and more joyful place than it was when they entered it (Satisfaction Quotes)
He should have no further trouble from her, he thought in satisfaction. Surely by now she knew his dominance over her. She would submit as easily in all matters as she had in this one. He frowned then. She had submitted, hadn´t she? (Satisfaction Quotes)
She was full of some strange energy that morning. Her every movement had purpose and life and she seemed to find satisfaction in every little thing (Satisfaction Quotes)
I swear, every person I know gets far more satisfaction from doing good deeds than receiving them. Maybe that’s the whole point in the end, all of us putting up with good deeds, tolerating them as best we can, counting the minutes until we have the opportunity to reciprocate (Satisfaction Quotes)
For I was never able to understand, then or later on, why, if one wanted to do a thing, one should not do it. For I have never waited to do as I wished. This has frequently brought me to disaster and calamity, but at least I have the satisfaction of getting my own way (Satisfaction Quotes)
Living means constantly growing closer to death. Satisfaction only temporarily relieves hunger. Find the balance, and plant your feet (Satisfaction Quotes)
If it is true that there is no greater sorrow than to remember a happy time in a state of misery, it is just as true that calling up a moment of anguish in a tranquil mood, seated quietly at one’s desk, is a source of profound satisfaction (Satisfaction Quotes)
I would simply ask why so many critics, so many writers, so many philosophers take such satisfaction in professing that the experience of a work of art is ineffable, that it escapes by definition all rational understanding; why are they so eager to concede without a struggle the defeat of knowledge; and where does their irrepressible need to belittle rational understanding come from, this rage to affirm the irreduci (Satisfaction Quotes)
There are some people who cannot help giving. Why? Because they experience a real psychological pleasure in doing so. They don’t do it with an eye to their own advantage, they do it on the quiet; they detest doing it openly because that would take away some of the satisfaction. They do it in secret, with quick trembling hands, their breasts rocked by a spiritual well being which they do not themselves understand (Satisfaction Quotes)
I see you have returned, my love; and your mood is as dark as ever. Did your soldiers not adore you to your complete satisfaction? (Satisfaction Quotes)
We work so hard to get somewhere, to realize a dream, to arrive at some destination, that we often forget that though some satisfaction may be waiting at the end of our endurance and effort, there is great and irreplaceable aliveness in the steps along the way (Satisfaction Quotes)
Those who truly have the spirit of champions are never wholly happy with an easy win. Half the satisfaction stems from knowing that it was the time and the effort you invested that led to your high achievement (Satisfaction Quotes)
Whatever community organization, whether it’s a women’s organization, or fighting for racial justice... you will get satisfaction out of doing something to give back to the community that you never get in any other way (Satisfaction Quotes)
Gardening is a labour full of tranquility and satisfaction; natural and instructive, and as such contributes to the most serious contemplation, experience, health and longevity (Satisfaction Quotes)
When I go out and race, I’m not trying to beat opponents, I’m trying to beat what I have done... to beat myself, basically. People find that hard to believe because we’ve had such a bias to always strive to win things. If you win something and you haven’t put everything into it, you haven’t actually achieved anything at all. When you’ve had to work hard for something and you’ve got the best you can out of yourself on that given day, that’s where you get satisfaction from (Satisfaction Quotes)
Service to a just cause rewards the worker with more real happiness and satisfaction than any other venture of life (Satisfaction Quotes)
Happiness is the main object of our aspirations, whatever name we give to it: fulfilment, deep satisfaction, serenity, accomplishment, wisdom, fortune, joy or inner peace, and however we try to seek it: creativity, justice, altruism, striving, completion of a plan or a piece of work (Satisfaction Quotes)
After eating, an epicure gives a thin smile of satisfaction; a gastronome, burping into his napkin, praises the food in a magazine; a gourmet, repressing his burp, criticizes the food in the same magazine; a gourmand belches happily and tells everybody where he ate; a glutton empraces the white porcelain alter, or more plainly, he barfs (Satisfaction Quotes)
Most modern biologists, having reviewed with satisfaction the downfall of the spontaneous generation hypothesis, yet unwilling to accept the alternative belief in special creation, are left with nothing (Satisfaction Quotes)
I should think that being my old lady would be all the satisfaction or career any woman needs (Satisfaction Quotes)
Psychological wealth includes life satisfaction, the feeling that life is full of meaning, a sense of engagement in interesting activities, the pursuit of important goals, the experience of positive emotional feelings, and a sense of spirituality that connects people to things larger than themselves (Satisfaction Quotes)
There is much satisfaction in work well done; praise is sweet; but there can be no happiness equal to the joy of finding a heart that understands (Satisfaction Quotes)
The more I study the things of the mind the more mathematical I find them. In them as in mathematics it is a question of quantities; they must be treated with precision. I have never had more satisfaction than in proving this in the realms of art, politics and history (Satisfaction Quotes)
We live our lives for our life’s sake, rather than for illusions about rewards and satisfaction after we’re dead (Satisfaction Quotes)
I don’t want to give my opponent the satisfaction of watching me celebrate, which would make it look like a big deal that I beat him (Satisfaction Quotes)
All alike, you men. You only want the satisfaction of being through with us first, that’s all. So far I’ve had the good fortune of beating you to it. So I am heartless (Satisfaction Quotes)
For success I consider three factors are necessary: firstly, an awareness of my own strengths and weaknesses; secondly, an accurate understanding of my opponent’s strengths and weaknesses; thirdly, a higher aim than momentary satisfaction. I see this aim as being scientific and artistic achievements, which place the game of chess on a par with other arts (Satisfaction Quotes)
What all great teachers appear to have in common is love of their subject, an obvious satisfaction in rousing this love in their students, and an ability to convince them that what they are being taught is deadly serious (Satisfaction Quotes)
Unsatisfied desire is the characteristic feature of human life. That is the common fact out of which both pessimism and optimism are constructed. Dwell on the impossibility of ever getting a state of complete and permanent satisfaction with what you have, and you become a pessimist. Dwell on the opportunity for endless growth and conquest which this same fact makes possible, and you become an optimist (Satisfaction Quotes)
Satisfaction, for us, is only a brief thing. The man who acquires wealth does not reach a point where he has enough. Success for us is more like acceleration than speed. Interest cannot be maintained at a constant level (Satisfaction Quotes)