Saudi Quotes
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Text Quotes
Yay Condi Rice. I want her to go to Saudi Arabia, and I want her first words upon getting off the plane to be ‘I’ll drive.’ (Saudi Quotes)
There are many Saudi women doctors, and there are many wealthy and powerful and well - educated Saudi women who circumvent the restrictions put upon them, quietly or otherwise (Saudi Quotes)
I saw a report yesterday. There's so much oil, all over the world, they don't know where to dump it. and Saudi Arabia says, 'Oh, there's too much oil.' they - they came back yesterday. Did you see the report? they want to reduce oil production. Do you think they're our friends? they're not our friends (Saudi Quotes)
Saudi men have sisters, mothers, and wives, and in my working experience, I have had tremendous support from Saudi men. I really don’t think that Saudi women are oppressed or abused (Saudi Quotes)
I think that Saudi women are very powerful. And I think that Saudi men are the greatest support to Saudi women (Saudi Quotes)
I have heard that the Saudi Arabians are paying Greenpeace to campaign against Nuclear Power. It wouldn’t surprise me at all (Saudi Quotes)
It is in Saudi Arabia’s best interest to allow women to fully participate in its society, and this includes the right to vote and run for office (Saudi Quotes)
Saudi Arabia is a puritanical state that claims a monopoly of wisdom and virtue (Saudi Quotes)
The Treasury Department would use the interest from these securities to hire U. S. Companies to build Saudi Arabia - new cities, new infrastructure-which we’ve done (Saudi Quotes)
The Saudi government’s denial of basic rights to women is not only wrong, it hurts Saudi Arabia’s economic development, modernization and prosperity (Saudi Quotes)
The Crown Prince has said he needs to broaden political participation in the governing of Saudi Arabia (Saudi Quotes)
Saudi women like makeup. And I’m OK with that. If that’s what you want to make you feel good, go for it (Saudi Quotes)
We have a legal system, and we have a penal code. We have the death penalty in Saudi Arabia, and people should respect this (Saudi Quotes)
Osama bin Laden, who is a Saudi, feels himself to be a patriot because the U.S. has forces in Saudi Arabia, which is sacred because it is the land of the prophet Mohammed (Saudi Quotes)
I grew up in Somalia, in Saudi Arabia, in Ethiopia, and in Kenya. I came to Europe in 1992, when I was 22, and became a member of Parliament in Holland (Saudi Quotes)
I met a lot of great people in Saudi Arabia and I'd like to see them again. And I'd love to spend more time in the desert and in the mountains. I felt really at home there (Saudi Quotes)
This week the White House proposed fingerprinting and photographing foreign visitors so they can do background checks. Officials in Saudi Arabia said this will only increase anti-American feelings in the Mideast. Is that possible? Gee, you hate to have people dislike us for no reason. Things were going so well (Saudi Quotes)
Who on earth do the Americans suppose their allies are amongst the Arab world? Even Saudi Arabia they seem to regard as nothing more than a resevoir of oil and money (Saudi Quotes)
I lived in Saudi Arabia in the late 1970s. It was, for a Westerner, pretty idyllic. There were the religious police; there were the rules; there were the prayer times. But it was as if we were existing in two separate universes. The Westerners were just allowed to get on with their way of life (Saudi Quotes)
However, it was not us who refused to freeze oil production; our Saudi partners changed their point of view at the last moment and decided to slow down the adoption of this decision. I would like to reiterate our position, it remains the same (Saudi Quotes)
The only pool of young people lies in Saudi Arabia, some of the Middle-East countries, and few African countries. But they are not prepared as Indians are... we travel well; we are accepted globally very well, and that makes India truly a place to source world’s workforce (Saudi Quotes)
If Islam opposes terrorism, then Saudi Arabia should announce that no one supportive of ISIS or Al Qaeda is welcome in Mecca to make Hajj. (Saudi Quotes)
The Taliban, broadly speaking, are Afghans - farmers, subsistence farmers. As I say, most of those people can’t find the United States on the map. Al Qaeda, traditionally, are much more educated, middle-class people, often from Egypt, from Saudi Arabia, North Africa. (Saudi Quotes)
We need more American energy. It keeps wealth at home. It keeps our wealth from ending up in Venezuela and Saudi Arabia. It creates jobs at home. (Saudi Quotes)
Successive American presidents have turned a blind eye to piles of evidence that Saudi money is being used to foment holy war against America. (Saudi Quotes)
Fear generates anger, and fear generates violence, and those were part of what built the Saudi state. (Saudi Quotes)
The Saudi government’s denial of basic rights to women is not only wrong, it hurts Saudi Arabia’s economic development, modernization and prosperity. (Saudi Quotes)
Non-Muslims in Saudi Arabia can only celebrate Valentine’s Day behind closed doors. Apparently, this has led to a huge black market for flowers and wrapping paper. (Saudi Quotes)
We have to fight radical Islam wherever it exists. It’s in Afghanistan, it’s in Saudi Arabia, throughout the Middle-East in big numbers and it’s in the United States. (Saudi Quotes)
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