Saul Alinsky Quotes

Text Quotes
The human spirit glows from that small inner light of doubt whether we are right, while those who believe with certainty that they possess the right are dark inside and darken the world outside with cruelty, pain, and injustice (Saul Alinsky Quotes)
Love and faith are not common companions. More commonly power and fear consort with faith... Power is not to be crossed; one must respect and obey. Power means strength, whereas love is a human frailty the people mistrust. It is a sad fact of life that power and fear are the fountainheads of faith (Saul Alinsky Quotes)
If people don’t think they have the power to solve their problems, they won’t even think about how to solve them (Saul Alinsky Quotes)
Action comes from keeping the heat on. No politician can sit on a hot issue if you make it hot enough (Saul Alinsky Quotes)
The second rule is: Never go outside the experience of your people. When an action is outside the experience of the people, the result is confusion, fear, and retreat (Saul Alinsky Quotes)
One’s concern with the ethics of means and ends varies inversely with one’s personal interest in the issue (Saul Alinsky Quotes)
It is a world not of angels but of angles, where men speak of moral principles but act on power principles; a world where we are always moral and our enemies always immoral; (Saul Alinsky Quotes)
The end is what you want, the means is how you get it. Whenever we think about social change, the question of means and ends arises. The man of action views the issue of means and ends in pragmatic and strategic terms. He has no other problem; he thinks only of his actual resources and the possibilities of various choices of action. He asks of ends only whether they are achievable and worth the cost; of means, only whether they will work... The real arena is corrupt and bloody (Saul Alinsky Quotes)
The third rule of ethics of means and ends is that in war the end justifies almost any means (Saul Alinsky Quotes)
The first step in community organization is community disorganization. The disruption of the present organization is the first step toward community organization. Present arrangements must be disorganized if they are to be displace by new patterns... All change means disorganization of the old and organization of the new (Saul Alinsky Quotes)
Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage (Saul Alinsky Quotes)
One acts decisively only in the conviction that all the angels are on one side and all the devils on the other (Saul Alinsky Quotes)
The organizers first job is to create the issues or problems, and organizations must be based on many issues. The organizer must first rub raw the resentments of the people of the community; fan the latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expression. He must search out controversy and issues, rather than avoid them, for unless there is controversy people are not concerned enough to act... An organizer must stir up dissatisfaction and discontent (Saul Alinsky Quotes)
My only fixed truth is a belief in people, a conviction that if people have the opportunity to act freely and the power to control their own destinies, they’ll generally reach the right decisions (Saul Alinsky Quotes)
As an organizer I start from where the world is, as it is, not as I would like it to be (Saul Alinsky Quotes)
From the moment an organizer enters a community, he lives, dreams, eats, breathes, sleeps only one thing, and that is to build the mass power base of what he calls the army (Saul Alinsky Quotes)
True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within (Saul Alinsky Quotes)
Humor is essential to a successful tactician, for the most potent weapons known to mankind are satire and ridicule (Saul Alinsky Quotes)