Savior Quotes

Text Quotes
God’s Word is alive and powerful! When you declare these words over your life, the truth of God’s Word draws forth the seeds of love that God deposits into us when we invite Jesus to be our Lord and Savior. (Savior Quotes)
There is no intellectual road to God...No, we need God to wake us up to our need of a Savior. (Savior Quotes)
Jesus isn’t a God who stayed on the mountaintop - he’s a Savior who came down and lived and worked with the people. (Savior Quotes)
I understand I’m a sinner. I’m not perfect, and I need a Savior, and that I’m not going to make it to Heaven on merits and doing good things. (Savior Quotes)
The angels heralded the birth of the Savior, John the Baptist heralded the coming of the Savior, and we herald the gospel of the Savior. (Savior Quotes)
No one is perfect. We all need a Savior. The more honest we become about our flaws, the more we’ll reach out for the grace and love of Jesus. (Savior Quotes)
A marriage that isn’t built around the Cross will be devoid of grace, mercy, and humility that come when both husband and wife recognize their need for a savior. (Savior Quotes)
Now I will say this to every sinner, though he should think himself to be the worst sinner who ever lived: cry to the Lord and seek Him while He may be found. A throne of grace is a place fitted for you. By simple faith, go to your Savior, for He is the throne of grace. (Savior Quotes)
Heavenly Father and the Savior are grateful that you do your part. They know you, They watch over you, and They love you. (Savior Quotes)
There is a direct relationship between how we feel about Jesus Christ and how we see ourselves. We cannot increase our devotion to the Savior without also obtaining a greater sense of purpose, identity, and conviction. (Savior Quotes)
I love acting so much, but listening to music and making music has been the greatest savior for me (Savior Quotes)
The Greek philosophies teach us that we are a combination of dark and light, good and evil, and murderer and savior, hmm? And until we know this completely about ourselves we cannot love well, and we cannot forgive ourselves. (Savior Quotes)
It is a remarkable fact that we can never read or hear of the labors which our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ performed, without taking pleasure in it, while, on the other hand, there is nothing so interesting in the life and history of any other individual but what by hearing or reading it time and time again we become tired of it. (Savior Quotes)
The Savior isn’t our last chance; He is our only chance. Our only chance to overcome self-doubt and catch a vision of who we may become. Our only chance to repent and have our sins washed clean. (Savior Quotes)
The White Savior Industrial Complex is not about justice. It is about having a big emotional experience that validates privilege. (Savior Quotes)
The Gospels record that nearly everywhere the Savior went, He was surrounded by multitudes of people. Some hoped that He would heal them; others came to hear Him speak. Others came for practical advice. Toward the end of His mortal ministry, some came to mock and ridicule Him and to clamor for His crucifixion. (Savior Quotes)